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Kakashi recommended that she stayed at the hospital until she gets better.


We would visit her for three whole days. Sakura brought her some flowers for her wake up soon. It's been five days since she wouldn't wake up.

"It took a lot of energy from her to get us back home," Kakashi says to us as he walks in.

"It must be, she said she created it to escape, but escape what?" Sakura says confuse.

Naruto and I knew she wanted to escape from. 'So, that's how she escapes from the tower.'

The three shadows appeared in front us, causing Sakura to back away. A blue one, a dark one and a white one was in front of Night.

Night opens her eyes and looks at the shadows. "Leave, there are people." They disappear. Night sat up straight. "How long, I was out?"

"Five days."

Night looks at her hands. "Yeah, I was out because I lost a lot of blood and using that jutsu took a lot of my energy. I am strong, but not that strong when I lose my blood. Sakura, can you help me up. I have to use the bathroom."


I went to train on my own and then go home to sleep.


The next couple of days, Night was out of the hospital. I notice the days were getting cold. The summer was coming to end as we enter in the fall.


I wear my blue sweater as I left my apartment. I went to walk to get something to eat for once. I passed the ramen shop to hear her voice. "This is great, Naruto."

I stop myself and decide to continue on to go eat somewhere else.


We were called to go on a mission. This time to take a Queen to her kingdom. 'How many royals are we going to take home?"

The Queen comes in and looks very lovely. She has short black hair, with a blue dress on. She has red lipstick on and has green eye color. She smiles, "oh, a knight. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

Night kneels down. "You as well, my Queen."

"No need to be formal, Night. Stand up, you are out of the knight tower."

"As you wish." Night stands up and smiles.

"I brought two of my guards here and decided to drop by to see you, Night. I heard about you being in Konoha village. I wanted you to come with me, but the Hokage told me, I had to take the whole group. I hope you don't mind now."

"No, not at all, Queen," Kakashi says.

"My name is Lily, by the way. I hope we make this trip safe and sound."


Night was wearing a blue cloak. "Oh, a cute little blue cloak. I thought you only wear a black cloak?"

"I am no longer following their rulers on the cloak for the time being. I think it was time to change a little." Night says with a smile.


We walked a little when Queen Lily says. "How about you summon those cute little birds. I miss them." Lily says with happiness.

"As granted."


We were away from the village. "Night, do you know all the nations want you arrested."

Night stops and looks at her. "Yes, I am aware." Night says with sadness. Night claps once and put her hand out. "I summon the Knight birds," eight of them appeared. They were tiny little birds. They were different colors.

"What is the call." The blue one says.

"Hello," Lily says.

"Queen Lily." They all went to her feet.

"You have called us, what do you like us to do?"

"Nothing, I really miss you. Would you like to join us?" Lily says with a smile and sounded very kind.

"Of course, my Queen. We will join you in this quest."

Sakura bends down to touch one. "How are you?" The yellow bird says.

"She is a friend, Haru." Night says.


It's been about 30 minutes of walking when Lily says. "I am tired of walking. My carriage is back at the village. Night, can you kindly bring it here?"

"I will bring it. Bring it." The wind picks up and a carriage behind us was heard. It came out of the woods with a horse.

"I wonder how the knights do it. I always wanted that ability." Lily went up to the carriage and got inside.


We were outside just walking. The birds were on top of the carriage. "How long until we get there," Naruto says.

"It will take about a week or so. If we took any of my warbirds it will take at least a day and a half. It seems the spirits sense danger up ahead. This won't be a fun ride."

"Did you say danger, Night?" Sakura says worried putting her hands together.

"Not sure if it's dangerous."


The sun was setting. "Mal, Dice, Jan."

"Yes, Night." The bluebird answer.

"Look for ground before the sun sets."

The blue, green and purple bird took off to look for ground. "What do you mean, 'look for the ground, Night?'" Kakashi says.

"Sorry, Kakashi. As a knight, we usually are told to look for ground that is good enough or to be on to sleep. I guess it's a force of habit."

The purple bird comes back. "I found good land not too far from here."

"We wait until they come." Soon they came and we followed the purple bird. It was a river not too far from here. We camped and the horse got his water.


The following morning, we got ready and headed out once more. We walked another three miles until we found a village. "Night, why you don't use one of your warbirds?" Naruto questions her.

"Well, because she has a horse and two more extra people. War isn't the biggest bird. I have to bring out Kill."

Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi look at her. "Kill?" They said besides Kakashi.

"Kill is known for killing humans back in the olden days. He very old and hasn't changed of heart. He told me, if you summon me, I would eat your right arm has a payment. Do you want me to summon him?"

"No," I said. "Don't do it."

"Thank you, Sasuke." Night smiles.


We were talking about the items that we saw until we got into trouble with some men. Night put on her hood. "Darkness, Dark, take care of them, make them into the village behind us." She says. They disappeared and a gust of wind picks up. "Thanks. Let's head on."

Kakashi spoke, "what a useful combat skill."

"Thanks, I know you are my teacher. I respect you. Don't be shy about giving me commands. I have plenty of combat skills to help."

"Well, you should at least train, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto. I did I mention she is your teacher."

We looked at Night. "You're our teacher?" We sat together.

"Of course, I am. I was waiting for Kakashi to say something, but he never did, up to now. Yes, I am your second teacher. My level surpasses some ranks in Konoha village. Please, don't hesitate to come to me for any lessons. Also, we start as soon as we leave, Queen Lily. I have business to attend to first." 

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