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I open my eyes to realize I was in the hospital. I had tubes in my mouth. I wanted to throw up. Someone enters the worst timing. I close my eyes.

"She is out cold." It was the Highest. "I will give her another month to wake up. Night already wasted about two months of learning. She doesn't wake up by then, I will force the hand of the Hokage to move her. She will come back to us. Her job is done here."

"Yes, my Highest." It was Kira, my caretaker. "I will see if we can do it today."

"Yes, that will be the right choice. She has used a lot of power against the demon. I am not proud of her at all." I heard him walk away.

"Night." He walks away too. I waited for a few until I open my eyes when someone else came in. I close my eyes.

"Still sleeping." It was Sasuke.

"I wonder when she is going to wake up, it's been two months. I kind of miss her." I think Sakura or Sasuke grab my hand.

"She did use a lot of energy to seal up the demon. I mean she it would have killed her if she didn't use the spirit energy," it was Kira. My tears fell. "She is crying. Sometimes, she cries in her sleep, doesn't mean she could hear us. Maybe a bad dream, I'll get the nurse to check on her." Kira went to get a nurse.

Sakura wipes away my tears. "Come on, Night. You have to wake up." I felt very weak. Soon, a kind caring lady comes in, "hello."

"Hello," Sakura says.

"May, I check on Night." The lady says as she walks towards me and started to check on the cables. "I guess it's time again to change. May, I ask you to leave."


The changed my tube. I throw up on them while unable to move or have any control over myself with my eyes closed of course.


They have left the feeding tubes out for now until for dinner time. I open my eyes and saw no one. "Dark, I know, I can't see you right, but take me to the bathroom. I am going to make my escape." Dark helps me up and took me to the bathroom because I travel in the spirit world.

I used it and wash myself a little. I went back to the bedroom and lay down before anyone came in. I sat on the bed. "Darkness, get my clothes in my apartment. Get my purple hood and gear. I am leaving in the night."

I lay back down and put back the needle which I put new and lay down to put on my breathing mask. 'They will all pay for this. I will make sure of it.'

Dark comes in with my clothes. I took it from him and put it under my pillow. I lay back down and close my eyes. "Shadow, if they come in to make something happen outside, I don't want them to put the feeding tube on me."

They don't say much, but they do follow my orders.


The nurse came in and they were about to put my tubes in when something happened outside. "Nurse, we need you." They run out. "Dark, close the door." He closes the door.

I did my jutsu and stand up. I open the window wide. "Portal." I took my clothes and went with them to the woods as I left my ex-team behind. My plan to go to the chunin exam have failed me. "It's time to make it like a loop from the beginning."


I crash landed in the snow. I picked myself up. "Shadow, Darkness, find me shelter. Dark help me." They found a little cottage. I went inside and slept until I got better.


They brought me food from nearby villages. I eat and said to them. "Go back to the villages and bring me a black hair color and black eye contacts. Also, new winter clothes and a pair of scissors. If you can find it."


They brought me the stuff. I told them to wait outside while I changed and put on my eye contact. I cut my hair short to my shoulder as I dye it black. I have everything changed. I look like a brand new person.

I wear a black shirt and long black pants with a new pair of sandals. I was training in the woods and taking my time to recover.



I heard that she was kidnaped. My group and I search for her.



Dark reports. "Miss. Your team is looking for you not to far from here."

I looked at him. "Is that do? Shall we leave then?"

"They are almost here."

"Let's go to the land of the Snow. They won't recognize me." I did my jutsu and pick up my stuff as we left to the land of the snow.


I was just trying to live out my life, I enter the village of Princess Snow. I wanted to escape it all. They kept their eye on me, but they knew I wasn't from the Knight. I found a little apartment and a good paying job.

The people started to complain that someone has been robbing them from their belonging and they point the finger at me. 'Yes, they aren't mistaken, I was taking their stuff for my survival.'

I kindly told them to look around my apartment and see for their selves that I haven't been taking any of their items. The guards look and found nothing. I won't return their items back to them, but slowly, I did. Like in two months most of them got their stuff back.

They think they just misplace it and forgotten about it.


Three months have passed in those three months, I was gathering my group. Princess Snow has entered the little shop. I gladly serve her. She looks at me. "You remain me of a person."

"That would be whom, Princess?" I place the cups on the table. It felt good to not call her, 'my princess.'

"Some girl named Night."

"My name is Bell. I did run into a girl that looks like me, doesn't she have blue hair. She was with a group." I put the tray under my arm.

"Yes, that's the one. You meet her?" She eats her ice cream.

I walked behind the counter. "Yeah, I did. I was looking for work and she recommends me here. She said, she serves the Queen here or something among those lines. One of her team members said that we look like sisters, knowing that we just met each other."

I giggle. "It's been a long time since I last time heard of her. You know what happened to her?" I walked around the counter to be in front of her.

"Last time I heard of her, she got kidnapped. She was in a coma for two months and..." She sounded upset.

I looked down, "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she is okay. I mean, that is terrible on many levels."

"I shouldn't speak about it with a stranger like yourself."

I lower my head, "I respect you. After all, you are the princess and you are always right." I bow. "Call me when you are done. I'm going to clean the dishes."

I turn around and went to wash some dishes. Dark tells me, that Princess wants to keep an extra eye on me since I look like her.

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