The Chase

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     Peter tapped his watch and his suit surrounded him. Groot, Rocket, and Peter all ran to the bridge. They saw the infamous daughter of Thanos, Gamora, pinning down Quill. "Should we just leave it alone?" Peter asked, a little fear in his voice.

     "Nah, we can take her on." Rocket replied, not fearful at all.

     "If you say so." Peter muttered.

     Rocket tackled Gamora before she could stab Quill. He wrapped himself around her head and started scratching her face while Peter wrapped Gamora with webs. 

     "You tried to kill our bounty...but that's none of my business though." Peter commented and Gamora growled.

     "Put him in the bag! Put him in the bag!" Rocket hastily commanded Groot.

    Groot started to grab Gamora and Peter mentally face-palmed. "Not her!" he shouted. "Learn genders, man."

     Gamora bit Rocket's finger. "Biting isn't nice!" Peter scolded. "It's like teaching a three-year-old." he muttered to himself, intending for Gamora to hear.

     Quill took the chance of the four being distracted and grabbed the orb (that Yondu wanted so badly) and ran away. Gamora saw him running and finally snapped out of the webs and threw Rocket off the bridge. 

     "I just came to have a good time and honestly I'm feeling so attacked right now." Peter said in a 'bratty girl voice' before he jumped off the bridge and got a web at Rocket, catching him before he could hit the ground.

     Peter and Rocket both ran to get back into the action, and saw Quill take down Gamora. Peter grabbed the bag from Groot and stealthily made his way behind Quill. "You know, you kinda look like that Afraid to Ask Andy guy." Peter said. Before Quill could turn around, he quickly shoved the bag over his head and hailed it over his shoulder. Groot took the bag and smiled along with Peter.

     "Stop smiling you idiot, we're supposed to be professionals." Rocket scolded and Peter rolled his eyes.

     As they were walking away, Gamora approached. "You gotta be kidding me." Rocket complained. Gamora just pushed him away. "Hey!"

     She started to fight Groot and Peter. Peter tried to web her up, but Gamora put a device on Peter that electrocuted him. He fell to the ground and groaned as Gamora sword fought Groot and cut his arms off.

    Gamora opened the bag that Quill was in, but before she could grab the orb, he shot her with his taser and made his escape. Peter finally pulled the device off himself and got up. He sighed and looked at Rocket as Quill ran away. Rocket nodded and they both smirked.

     "I live for the simple things, like how much this is gonna hurt." Rocket said as his gun got bigger and Peter's suit charged up. Peter shot Quill with a taser web grenade and Rocket shot him with his improved gun. Rocket laughed as Quill fell to the ground and Peter just rolled his eyes.

     Groot whined and looked at his decapitated arms and Rocket just scoffed

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     Groot whined and looked at his decapitated arms and Rocket just scoffed. "They'll grow back."

     Before they could do anything, a yellow light surrounded them and picked them up. "Frick." Peter cursed under his breath. 

     "Subject 89P13 and 89P14, drop the weapons." A voice through the speaker of one of the ships commanded. Rocket sighed and dropped his weapon and Peter made his suit retract back into his watch. But, he didn't take it off.

     "Subject 89P14, I said drop the weapons." the voice said in a warning tone. Peter sighed and dropped the watch. 

     The trio, along with Gamora and Quill, were all handcuffed and thrown into the back of a car. Peter stared out the window as it drove away. 

     God, he just wanted the inevitable prison escape to go well.

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