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"Coach you can't be serious?" I say ignoring the glare that Nate sends my way.

"Both you boys did as well as each other. It would be unfair to choose one of you so I came to the decision that both of you will be captain." Coach throws away his old name plate that said 'Mr Raymond' and replaces it with his new one 'Coach Ray'.

Ms O'Neil made me do it. She made me tryout for the team. She said it would be a good idea for me to get more engaged in school and thought I would 'benefit' from extracurricular activities.

It was either charity committee or football. I chose football.

"Yes you can choose one of us Coach." Nate says. "Me."

Then I glare at him.

"I chose both you boys so either you quit acting like babies and take my offer or get the hell out of my office and off of my team!" Coach yells. Coach's short fuse has been blown. He's probably had enough of Nate's bullshit.

I turn my gaze from the angry coach to the angry boy standing next to me.

"Fine." I say. It takes a couple more seconds for Nate to reply.

"Alright fine."

"Good." Coach smiles. "Now get out of my office!"

I walk out of the office, grabbing my skateboard off the floor, and head to the door to meet my friends at our designated spot under the trees. As my palm is about to push open the double doors leading outside, a firm hand grabs my arm.

"Oi. Watch it." I say, turning around.

"This is all your fucking fault." Nate says angrily.

"And what is my fault exactly?" I put down my board and roll it back and forth under my left foot.

"The reason that we're co-captains. It's clear that we don't get along so go and tell Coach Ray that you don't wanna be the-"

I laugh.

"Woah, woah wait a minute. You want me to tell Coach Ray that I don't want to be the captain?" Nate nods his head as if what I just said is the most obvious thing in the world.

"And why the hell would I do that?" I cross my arms, challenging him.

"Because everyone expects me to be the captain."

"Oh how I would love to see the look on your friends' faces when they find out I'm just as good as you." A smirk settles on my lips and he clenches his fists at the action. Like he's going to use them. Like he isn't scared. Like he's going to hit me.

I fucking dare you.

"You think because you're popular you should get what you want?"

His facial expression gets angrier every time I taunt him. It's amusing watching golden boy get angry.

"I didn't say that." He counters, bravely taking a step forward. "Why do you wanna be captain anyway?"

"I earned my spot as captain on this team just as you did and if you think that I'm gonna let you win because people 'expect' you to, you are very mistaken. It's time kids like you learn a lesson. I'm sorry golden boy but you can't always get what you want." I walk away at that, picking up my skateboard and pushing at the double doors with a little more force than I should have.

The walk to the shade underneath the trees is short. The kids around me avert their gaze as I walk through. Just the way I like it. When I reach our spot, I slump onto the bench beside Niall and across from Stevie.

"What's up with you?" Stevie asks. The air smells heavy with weed and Stevie's got the source balancing in her fingertips. She does these weird tricks with the smoke before letting it free to be carried by the cool breeze. Her dyed silver hair is down today in light, short waves that hover above her shoulders.

"It's that fucking Nate guy."

"Golden boy?" Niall asks. His eyes are trained on the carvings he's making in the wooden bench table with his scissors. His black hair swoops forward and he pulls it back.


"Isn't he the guy dating, what's her face, Rebecca? No, Rachel." Stevie adds.

"Yeah. That's the one. God I hate him. He doesn't want me to be captain of the football team."

"You're captain of the football team?!" Niall and Stevie say simultaneously. I laugh at their shocked faces and snatch the redbull can beside Niall.

"Yep. Ms O'Neil made me try out yesterday and Coach Ray said I could be captain. Well, co-captain with Nate."

"Is that why you blew us off yesterday? To kick around a bloody football?" Stevie still looks shocked.

"Yes Stevie."

She laughs and throws her blunt into the bushes. There's probably a whole lot of them in there. "So now what, you're the new Ronaldo?" She jokes.

"Good for you man." Niall pats my back and then swoops his hand making a beeline to his redbull can.

"We are definitely going to all your matches." Stevie says, clutching her stomach as she laughs. "I'll even make a poster. I can't believe I missed seeing you in shorts."

"I know you wanna see me in a whole lot less." I wink and she immediately stops laughing.

"Eww, gross, no."

Then Niall and I laugh.

I always thought it was better to be alone. Less people leave that way. But Niall and Stevie made me realise that having a couple friends isn't too bad. It isn't bad at all to be honest. They're a bit like me. They don't like the company of other people but can tolerate our little group of three.

We all say we're going to be stuck here in this shithole town for the rest of our lives but they don't realise I know they're pretending. Niall and Stevie have got their whole lives ahead of them. Niall is ridiculously good at playing the guitar. He's for sure going to end up in some rock band and eventually have his own movie. Like Queen. I wonder if I would be a character in that movie? And Stevie is too outspoken and smart for this town. She needs to explore the world. Find people like herself.

Then there's me. The person who's stuck. The person who isn't supposed to leave.

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