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Trigger warning: offensive language


It's a different atmosphere this time.

Since it's the first official game of the league the majority of the school are seated in the football stands, showing their support for the Redington Wolves by also wearing red. The opposite side is full of supporters from the other school. They perform this whole rehearsed chant and wave around flags with their team name on them. If this isn't patriotism I don't know what is. Oh and they have cheerleaders. Fucking cheerleaders. But we have a Josh.

The other team, The Elites, are practicing on the field as my team head to the changing rooms. That's where Coach gives us the iconic pregame speech. The one that's supposed to get the whole team riled up but also leaves a depressing amount of pressure on our shoulders to do well and win.

When Coach leaves the changing room and allows the team to prepare, I take it upon myself to say my own little speech. This one takes the pressure off a bit and I try to make it feel like we are allowed to have fun on the pitch and that winning isn't everything (but would be nice).

With a new found confidence and enthusiasm the whole team begins roaring and run out onto the field to get some last minute practice in. I get ready to run out too before Nate grabs my arm and stops me from leaving.

"Hey I just wanted to say that your speech was really nice. You know, very inspiring, very co-captain like. The team needs that, needs you." He adds. "It's really nice having you back."

"Nate, we literally see each other everyday."

"Yeah, I know." Nate rolls his eyes. "But it's not the same as playing football with you. Maybe this is why I like you so much. We get to play football together and I get to make out with you whenever I want to." He smiles and I have this overwhelming urge to kiss it. And I do because I have the privilege of being able to do so.

"Chase, we have to stop. Someone might come in and see us." Nate says between another one of my kisses. I smirk against his lips.

"Let them."


The other team look like they've been training for years. Their uniform is mainly white and I can already hear Tracy ranting about grass stains and how hard they are to come out.

As we're warming up, doing some drills and kicking the football to and fro, a boy from the other team stands in the middle of the pitch with a megaphone. I roll my eyes as he calls for everyone's attention, stopping us from warming up any further.

"Everyone I have an announcement." The crowd settles, listening to what the boy has to say. "As you all know we're all here to watch the first game of the league. I've decided to take it upon myself to welcome and introduce the newest team, the Redington Wolves and say good luck to their co-captains." He looks at me and Nate and smiles. There's a devious glint in his eyes.

"It's important to have a good captain as they represent your team and your school. I didn't realise Redington wanted a couple fags to be their representatives."

There it is. The glint in his eyes. The one staring daggers at me.

I look around the field, at Nate who looks like he might be sick. I can't pinpoint whether he wants to run away or fight the kid. And I'm surprised when I realise that I don't.

"Yeah that's right." The guy continues. "I saw the co-captains locking lips in the changing room."

It's quiet now. As quiet as it can get in a large football pitch filled with the pupils and teachers of two opposing schools. I can hear the confused whispers of the gossiping teens and feel their judging stares at my back. It's all too familiar. But Nate? I have no idea how he feels right now. I walk up to him but he pushes past me, right to the boy in the centre of the field. For a second I think Nate might punch him but instead he snatches the megaphone out his hands.

"Yeah, so what?" He says, the megaphone amplifying his voice. "We kissed in the changing room and it wasn't even the first time. Ladies and Gentlemen, we're dating. Yep, two guys are dating and if that shocks you then you've been living under a rock because gays exist!"

There's silence. Nate blows out a jagged breath staring at the shocked crowd, waiting anxiously for their response. Then I hear clapping. One person. Then two and three. It's Stevie, Niall, and Josh all on the sidelines with massive smiles on their face. Of course they would start clapping.

Then there's a round of applause from everyone.

Nate visibly relaxes and smiles victoriously, dropping the megaphone on the ground. Georgia runs to him on the field, pulling him into a bone crushing hug, she's about to do the same to me but I quickly lift up my hand and she high fives me instead.

Nate then walks up to me now waiting for my response.

"Did you just do that?" I say, staring at the cheering crowd. I spot Nate's parents. They're up on their feet. I can see from here that Tracy is crying. And I spot someone standing next to them. And I can see from here that Derek is smiling. "Did you just tell the whole school we're dating?"


"You crazy motherfucker."

I kiss him and the world explodes.



Yes we may have lost the match.


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But it doesn't matter because we were a team out there on that field. We may not have won.
But looking at Chase surrounded by our teammates with an actual smile on his face in some weird way makes me feel like I have.

So that's it. Game. Set. Match.


It's over, the end, finito. I'm sorry this chapter was incredibly rushed and choppy but I don't know how to make it better. I really enjoyed writing this story. It took me a while but I'm happy with the end result. Thank you for reading:) ❤️ - J

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