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Chase and I don't see each other around school but we do see each other at practice. I manage to convince Rachel not to stay for practice and instead she goes shopping with her friends.

Seeing her outside my door this morning was a reality check, a real slap in the face. I cheated on her, twice, I know that. And I also know that I don't ever want her to find out.

There is a likely possibility that everything might go to hell and right now, I like how everything is. I like how when I'm at school, I get to be with Rachel and when I'm at home, I get to hang out with Chase. I like how I get to keep both of them in my own separate way and not have to intertwine those two parts of my life.

I get that it's selfish, but Rachel and Chase are like two jigsaw pieces that don't fit together but still play a part in forming the wider picture.

My mind has been preoccupied with thoughts of the two and right now I just want to focus at the task in hand. Football.

I missed taking part in practice and Coach Ray seems very happy to have us two co-captains back. I no longer need to try and sway Coach Ray's mind because now I'm perfectly happy being co-captain.

"I'm a genius!" Coach exclaims when I make a long pass to Chase who scores swiftly against the defence. "I knew this bonding exercise thing would work but I didn't think it would be this good. Now you two are unstoppable! The other teams won't know what hit them!"

I look over at Chase and send him a smile which he hesitantly returns. But it's a smile nonetheless so I'll take it.

Throughout practice we continue this little duo dynamic we have working for us and think maybe Coach Ray really is a genius.


"Didn't you just love practice today?" I ask, cheerily. Practice just finished a short while ago and we're making our way back to my house.

"Yeah, it was good I guess." Chase shrugs.

"Good? We we're fucking amazing. If we continue on like that we won't ever lose as badly as we did against Killer Cranes."

"Damn, that was a terrible match." Chase adds with a chuckle.

"The worst." I chuckle too.

"I think I'm going to head home and-"

"Head home?!" I interrupt, panic taking over at the thought of Chase in the same house as his older brother.

"If you would just let me finish, you idiot." I scowl at the insult.

"I'm going to head home to get my skateboard. I leave my skateboard outside so that I don't have to see my brother when I go get it."

"Oh ok."

"I'll be at your place soon." Chase says as he crosses the road to the direction of his house.

"Alright bye."

When I get home, my mum asks where Chase is and I tell her he's gone to retrieve his skateboard. Then, I go into the shower and wash off all the sweat and dirt from playing football. I stay in my room, watch some tv and wonder why it's taking Chase so long to get back.

Halfway through my tv episode on Netflix, my bedroom door opens but Chase isn't the one to enter. Rachel is.

"Hey babe." She says before kissing my cheek and sitting beside me on my bed.

"Hi Rachel. What you doing here?" I ask, pausing the tv show.

"I wanted to see you."

"Any particular reason why?"

"Can't a girlfriend come visit her boyfriend after not seeing him all day?"

"We saw each other this morning."

"Well it doesn't matter I'm already here." She says.

"Ok." I answer, pressing play and starting the show.

"Well actually..." She grabs the remote control in my hand and pauses the show once again.

A mischievous grin is on her face as she places herself on top of me, straddling my hips. She kisses my neck, slowly. Softly. And I feel myself getting lost in the feeling.

"Rachel." I warn, knowing that if she continues I'll lose myself completely.

She hums against my skin in return and the vibrations send a tingle throughout my body. She pulls back from my neck and passionately kisses my lips instead.

"Sorry I took so lo-"

"Chase!" I gasp, pulling out of Rachel's hold who looks slightly annoyed.

"Oh damn, sorry I interrupted you two. I'll erm go." Chase says as he briskly walks out my room.

Standing up from my bed, I make my way after Chase but Rachel calls after me.

"Wait Nate where are you going?"

"I'll be back soon." I respond, running down the stairs and outside the open front door to catch up with Chase.

"Chase please wait."

"Why are you following me? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" His tone is cold and I realise now that I haven't heard that cold tone for a while now. It's become unfamiliar.

"Chase." I call as I trail behind him.

"Chase." I say again, this time grabbing his arm to turn him around. Finally, he stops walking, reluctantly turning around to look at me.

"What?" He spits.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you even apologising to me?" He says with an irritant tone.

"Because you seem angry." I'm trying to figure out what he wants from me.

"Of course I seem angry! You've kissed me, what, twice now? Invite me to your home, tell me that you want to take care of me but then I find you sucking her face off! I just- I don't get it. Everything has just been so confusing right now."

"What do you want me to do?" I try, taking a step towards him.

"Nothing." Chase says. "You don't need to do anything else for me. You and your family have done more than enough."

He starts to walk away and I know I can't let him do that. I can't let him go. So I try once again.

"Chase please don't-"

"Tell your parents I said thanks, will you?" And with that he's gone.

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