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It's hard to look at Nate and not picture him naked.

But it's even harder to look at Stevie and Nate's mate, Josh together. They make an odd pair the two of them but I can see that Stevie is happy dating the weirdo so I guess I am too.

We're all sitting in the back of the coach, the team heading to Wyndell High to play in our second match. Stevie, Niall and Josh were able to convince Coach Ray to let them miss school and come on the little field trip. He refused at first but Stevie has always been persistent and managed to get him to make an exception for the three students.

Josh is completely smitten over Stevie. He looks at her as if she's some sort of goddess. But then I think that Stevie deserves a guy like that. Someone who likes her even though she isn't like other girls. Some girls don't like wearing dresses. Some wear denim jackets and leather boots. Some girls like smoking, breaking the rules and dying their hair every colour of the rainbow. Some girls put alcohol in all their drinks and don't give a fuck about what the world thinks of them. Some girls are like Stevie.

I look at the newly formed couple and can't help but compare them to Nate and I. Josh finds every opportunity to kiss Stevie while I can only kiss Nate when we're alone. Josh could stare at Stevie for hours but if I stare at Nate for too long I'm scared others would notice that something's up between the two of us. Then I wonder when I started to care about other people's thoughts. Then realise I kind of always did care even when I told myself I didn't.

I don't want to care about what people think. So I stare at Nate as he looks out the window and try to memorise every little one of his flawless features.

He keeps nervously tapping his fingers on his knee and I place my hand on top of his.

"You alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah I'm just a bit nervous that's all."


"I dunno, maybe because we lost really badly at the other game and I really don't want to humiliate the team again?" 

"Ok, first of all, we only lost that first game because we didn't like each other then. And second, you didn't humiliate the team."

"Chase, there was a video of us fighting on the pitch."

"I've had many videos of me fighting."

"That doesn't help Chase." Nate says. He takes a deep breath. "I just- I hate losing."

"Of course you do Golden Boy." I smirk as I say the nickname.

"Don't call me that." He threatens.

"Oh you love it." I tease, leaning closer to him.

"I do." He admits as he kisses me, the chairs in front of us block the view of our fellow teammates who are sitting closer to the front.

"Ugh. I am so done with all this couple shit." Niall says as he gets up from his seat in the middle of the row of five at the back. "I'm gonna go sit with people who aren't snogging each other every 5 minutes."

I chuckle as Niall unbuckles his seat belt and goes to sit beside Georgia for the rest of the journey.


I don't know why Nate was so afraid of losing, we totally smashed them on the field today. The final results were 7-3 to us. It feels good to finally have a win under our belts.

The coach ride back to school consisted of a lot of chanting with the team and secretly making out with Nate. Niall seemed to enjoy Georgia's company more than ours and spent the ride back with her.

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