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Chase is where he's supposed to be, laying in bed with me as we talk about anything and everything.

Chase's suspension is over which means he can finally go back to school. My parents were concerned at first. They didn't know what to say to him or how to react to his suspension. But they were understanding. They know it's been hard for Chase and yelling about his behaviour wasn't going to fix anything. They trust him enough to leave him alone at home while they go to work and I go to school. Although sometimes he wasn't always alone.

I managed to sneak out of school last week Wednesday and spend some time with Chase without anyone else close by. I have to admit it was one of the most rebellious things I have ever done, skipping the end of school. But it was worth every second his lips were on my skin. I craved it. His kisses, his body, his hungry glares. And his promise had loomed over me ever since he said it in my bedroom. Next time he said he would fuck me. And he did. And it was everything and more.

Even though Chase is back at school, he isn't allowed to be on the team so this game today is the first without the Redington Wolves' co-captain.

I can practically feel everyone's nerves on the coach ride to the school we're playing. No one knows what the outcome will be and with a key player in our team missing, the chances of us winning seem to be very slim. Not only that, I don't get to sit next to Chase on the coach. Instead I'm seated next to Georgia, which obviously isn't bad considering she's one of my friends now but it's also obvious that we would both rather be sitting next to someone else. She knows I'm dating Chase. And I know she's dating Niall even though they won't admit it. Josh, Stevie and Niall couldn't come on board today. Ms O'Neil found out about their impromptu trip last time and put them in detention, saying they are not allowed to run off on the coach without permission. I imagine Coach Ray got hell for that. So now they're stuck in school and we're stuck in this coach for the next half an hour.


I am not surprised we lost and neither is the team or Coach Ray for that matter. Rather than give us a speech about how pathetically we played, Coach Ray sighs and says "I think we need Chase back. That boy may be trouble but he sure as hell knows how to kick a damn ball."

The team agrees, nodding their heads and still slightly out of breath from the match.

"The tough part" Coach says "is getting that headmistress of yours to change her mind. She's persistent when she wants to be I'll tell you that."

"How about you speak to her Coach?" One of my teammates ask.

"Me?" He scoffs. "Linda, I mean Ms O'Neil, hates me." Some chuckle at finding out our headteacher's first name.

"You lot will have to do it. Yeah, if you all show up she'll definitely listen to you."

So that's exactly what we do. The next morning the whole team walk right into Ms O'Neil's office and force an oblivious Chase into the black leather chair in front of her desk. He looks around quizzically, mouthing 'what's going on?' to me but I smile in response, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Ms O'Neil we have something to say to you." I say, taking the lead. "We need Chase on our team. We can't win without him. Chase is a fundamental part of this team. Pulling him out now, when we have just started to gel together, is having terrible repercussions out there on the field. It's making the whole team fall apart. Do you really want that for Redington Wolves? To throw us into the field disadvantaged because one of our vital players are missing? You cannot end our football season. Not when it has barely began. You are leaving our team co-captainless and we will not stand for it." Ms O'Neil raises an eyebrow at me, probably for the tone that I used which may have came across as rude. So I add a quick "Thank you Miss." and step behind the chair Chase is currently sitting in.

"Well, do you all feel as strongly as Mr Nightly here does." The team nods their heads.

"It's nice to see you all come together as a team I guess. It seems you've made a great impression on your team Mr Malroy."

"He's our co-captain." One of the guys says.

"And our friend." Georgia adds.

Chase looks behind him at the team who nod their heads at him.

It's amazing how a group of guys who used to hate or fear Chase have now banded together to get him back on the team.

"Ok, how about I offer you a deal? If Chase is able to get through the next week problem free, he can go back on the team. That means being on time to school, doing all homework, going to all you're classes including Anger Management and Charity committee."

"Charity committee. Got it." Chase says.

"So there we have it. You've got yourself a deal. Follow those rules and you'll be back on the team in a weeks time."

The whole team cheer loudly, slapping Chase on the back as we all simultaneously thank Ms O'Neil.

"You're welcome. Now get out of my office." She deadpans. We all scramble out as quickly as possible.

"Alright." Coach says. "The whole clan is finally back together." Coach squeezes Chase's shoulders.

"I've still got a week until I'm back on the team Coach."

"Good because the next big game is in two. Those previous games were child's play. This team you're about to play, they're called The Elites. And trust me, they live up to their name. These guys are at the top of the league for a reason. But now we've got Chase back and I'm throwing in extra practices to ensure that we are in tip-top shape. Those lads have seen nothing yet. So get ready ladies" Georgia smirks "because you're in the big leagues now."

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