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It's not Derek who I'm worried about, it's Chase.

I wanted to go with him. I wanted to make sure he was going to be ok, but he told me to go and as much as I didn't want to, I left. I have no idea how Chase feels and there's no point trying to guess. But there is no doubt in my mind that despite all the crap Derek put him through, Chase still loves his brother.

I wander through my front door and my bag slips from my fingers, landing on the ground with a loud thud. It catches both my parents' attention. They look at me worriedly.

"Nate, sweetie, are you alright?" My mother asks as she places her hand on my forehead. "You look like you're about to pass out." She tries to get me to sit down but I refuse.

"Chase's brother is in the hospital."

"What?" My mum asks. My dad gets up from the sofa and walks towards me, asking me what happened to him.

"He overdosed."

"Overdosed?" My dad repeats. My mum gasps as she places a hand over her mouth.

"Is Chase ok? How does he feel?"

"I don't know." I say, answering my dad's question. "He wouldn't let me go with him."

"Maybe it's best to leave the two of them be."

"Leave Chase with his brother?! He's a fucking psycho!" A wave of anger washes over me and I don't have it in me to feel guilty about it.

"Language!" My mum scolds.

"What do you mean?" My dad seems confused at my sudden bitter tone.

I look at the concern on my parents' faces and I know that they're worried about Chase. So I tell them the truth about his circumstances. I tell them the truth about his brother.

"Chase's brother hits him." Their eyes widen at the news but I cut them off before they can say anything. "That's why he's never at his own house. Derek, Chase's brother, started taking drugs and he got more violent towards him so Chase spent most of his time outside. Or here." I add. "That's why he's always around. That first time Chase stayed over wasn't because his brother was on a business trip. It was because Derek was going to hurt him again and I just couldn't let Derek do that to him. Chase couldn't stay there. So I invited him to stay here. Where he's safe and doesn't have to worry about his brother. When I went over to his house, I saw Derek try to hit Chase. And I was so scared. What makes someone want to hurt their own brother like that? Chase doesn't deserve that." I can feel my eyes watering. "Chase deserves the world and he got left with some shitty brother who's so pumped up on drugs that he's now laying in a fucking hospital bed!"

"Nate, honey, you have to try to understand the other person's perspective as well. Drugs make people act in ways they don't normally act in." My mum tries to explain an alternate point of view but I shake my head.

"No. I'm not going to let Derek use drugs as an excuse to abuse his little brother."

My mum sighs, pulling me into a hug and telling me that everything is going to be ok. My dad looks at me quizzically, like he's trying to piece something together, almost like something doesn't make sense.

"It's good Chase has someone like you to look out for him." Mum says, pulling away and wiping the tears running down my cheek. "I can see how much you care about him."

"I care about him so much Mum." I whisper, looking down at my hands.

"More than just a friend would." My eyes shoot up and I see that my mum has got a knowing smile on her lips. She places a hand on my cheek. "You love him don't you?" More tears silently streak down my face as I nod my head. She pulls me into another one of her warm, comforting hugs. A mother's hug.

But when I look up, Dad is gone. I think he finally pieced it together.


"I've always had the slightest suspicion that there was more than just a friendship between the two of you."

"Was it that obvious?" I say to my mum.

"Yes. There's a difference between how you were with Rachel and how you are with him. You're happier."

I smile. "Yeah, I am." But then it falters. "Do you think he's mad?"

"No. I think he's just a little confused, that's all. Give him some time to wrap his head around it. I'm sure your dad will come around."

She goes to her bedroom and I think she might talk to him. Since dating Chase, I never considered how my parents would react to us. I assumed my mum would be ok with it. She treats Chase as if he were her own son. But dad? I have no idea what he thinks. It seems to be a recurring thing. That I never know what people think. Sometimes this naivety can be a good thing. Other times it just makes it harder to talk to people.

I contemplate whether I should call Chase or not but he calls me first.

"Before you ask, I'm ok and so is Derek."

"That's good."

"And you know what's better? Derek's going to rehab."

Chase has a childlike tone to his voice, like he's excited for him.

"Wow. Hopefully he gets all the help that he needs."

"The only bad side is that he's going to be there for a while and I don't know what I'm going to do with the house. The money he used for it was drug money. I'm going to have to get a job and even then I probably won't have enough. What if-"

"Chase, relax." Chase takes a deep breath. "You're 17, you can't live on your own."

"I've managed well enough on my own so far."

"But now you don't have to be alone. Juggling school, paying to keep the house and properly looking after yourself is going to be a lot for you to handle." And then an absurd idea comes to my head. "Stay with me."

"You've already tried that trick before Nate."

"I'm serious. You won't have to worry about money and house problems if you stay at my house."

"Nate, I can't do that to you and your family."

"And I can't let you handle all of this on your own. How about for a little while?"

"Nate." He warns.

"Chase." I counter. "You know I'm not going to stop until you say yes."

"Fine." He grunts. "I'll stay." I can practically see him rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone but I'm too happy to care.

"I'll go help you get your stuff." I quickly roll off my bed and slide my shoes on.

"Aren't you eager?" He chuckles.

"Very eager." I answer. "I'll see you at your place soon."


Mum is fully supportive of having Chase stay with us while his brother is in rehab. I still haven't heard anything from Dad, he's remained in his room ever since he went up there. I don't want this to ruin our relationship. I don't want the fact that I'm dating a guy to be the reason that my dad stops talking to me. But as I'm about to step out the door to go help Chase, I hear his footsteps as the top of the staircase. He descends, stopping halfway so I can see him.

"Chase can stay for as long as he needs to."

I smile. This may not have been what I wanted him to say but it's the best thing he could have said. So I step out the house, close the door and head to Chase's.

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