T w e n t y - o n e

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America's POV:

"What the hell Maxon," I whisper-yelled, frightened by how close we were, his breath fanning on my lips. If I raised my head just an inch, I could feel his-

"We need to talk," Maxon said coming out in a desperate tone - his voice cutting me from my dangerous thought process. He's not yours anymore, I thought furiously, letting out an involuntary whimper. His eyes widened at the sound, and he pulled me impossibly closer, his head falling to the crook of my neck. A pleased sigh filled with bliss left my mouth, in the instinct of the natural position. Before I could retaliate, his lips brushed the delicate skin of my soft spot, causing me to lose control of my actions and arch my back, pushing my chest against his.

His eyes darkened and his nose flared as his breaths came out uneven. His fingers clenched around my waist even tighter, not to the point of feeling pain, but enough to feel the iron-strong grip. I gulped.

Shaking my head, I said in a firm tone, "Not now Maxon. Take me to Nicholas' and my room please; I'm seriously not in the mood now," the last few words coming out in a huff as I was trying to get out of his grip but failing miserably. Why can't he just leave me alone? What does he want from me? Hasn't he done enough for both of us? I want to learn to be away from him but no, he just has to do stuff like this - there was this part of me who just wanted to close the distance between our lips and just kiss him like its the end of the whole world. And that part was the one which usually got me in trouble ... and not the good kind.

But those thoughts disappear as I stare into his beautiful eyes; I was lost in trance - I love this man. I always will! But if this is the way the universe wants us to be ... then that means we were never meant to be in the first place. 

I cleared my throat, feeling uncomfortable in the situation we were in. Not the position, I screamed at my mind to shut up. 

"America, please. It won't take that much time, I promise," he pleaded. My eyes dropped as I didn't want him to see the tears well up in them. My voice trembled slightly as I whispered, "You've promised me a lot of things ... and look where that got us." The last phrase barely being lodged out of my throat as my body shook with the effort to reel in my sobs and not to let a single whimper out. 

I looked up as his fingers gently gripped my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes again. This was the first time I noticed those dark circles underneath his eyes, his cheekbones were so defined which obviously led me to the conclusion that he hasn't been eating well or it was just me not noticing this earlier. His face looked so lifeless I wondered if Kriss even cared - but I knew she was only here for the throne so I didn't say anything. 

Why aren't you eating properly? When was the last time you let someone take care of you? Have you been dodging your sleep as always, barely resting? When was the time you smiled? Questions upon questions raged a war within in my mind. You haven't even shaved in quite some time, as I felt the stubble growing on his chin.

Wait !!!!!

Felt ???

I realized in horror that my hand had unconsciously raised and was now tracing his jaw. We both took in a sudden intake of breath at the abrupt contact.

"I-" Maxon started, but I interrupted him before he answered to that or anything. 

"Fine," I sighed, hoping that this would not be something I would honestly regret. And I obviously knew that I wasn't going to win this fight; he was just as persistent as I was. He gave me his usual boyish grin in response, lighting his face up in a way that led me to stare at him in awe.

"Come," he said while placing his hand on the small of my back leading me to what I assumed was the garden because of the familiarity of the decorated passages. As we reached the transparent glass doors, the guards gave one firm nod before opening the doors for us. I took one deep breath, my eyes involuntarily closing; the aroma of freshly cut grass and the scents of the various flowers made me relax. Even though I knew it wasn't the queenliest thing to do, I kicked off my heels which were making my feet ache horribly and ran around on the grass - something I hadn't done in a while - as I felt my bun fall loose, cascading down till it reached its normal length - a few inches beneath my shoulder blades. I felt so free... I was interrupted by a chuckle that came from none other than Maxon himself as I gave him a grin knowing that he was obviously laughing because of my childish antics. 

"The reasons I love you always seem to extend," he said guiding me to what I recalled was our bench where we first met ... and where I ran to when he chose Kriss. 

"Maxon but I-" I started but he cut me off. 

"I know love, I know - people make mistakes and letting you go was and always will be my biggest one, America. I am not going to ruin your relationship with Nicholas but just know I will always, always be here with open arms anytime you need me. I will never stop loving you even if I move on, which is something I highly doubt will happen. You will be my first love and it will always remain like that. I know what I did was wrong - I accused you of something you didn't do and I can't expect everything to be alright. But trust me America ... I will love you till the day I die - till my last breath ... and darling I'd wait a lifetime for you to come back to me," he said looking me in the eyes intensely, not once having broken eye contact. 

I felt a tear run down my cheek and before I realized it, others soon followed. As I sobbed he enveloped me in a hug and allowed me to cry on his shoulder. "It's ok, love, it's okay," he whispered, stroking my hair gently. 

"M-Maxon, I-I don't know what to s-say," I said, completely overwhelmed by his little speech. "Then don't. I just wanted to tell you this; I had no intentions of making you cry," he said softly. "I'm sorry, I've just been on an emotional roller coaster lately," I said, chuckling a little cause I didn't expect myself to cry over this - it was such a bittersweet moment.


A/N: hey guys well early update as promise and we just wanted to convey how thankful we are you thanks for 1.3K reads we are extremely thankful

Paige: This book has been the light of my life, other than my friends and for them I will truly be thankful they have been supporting us through out all of this and honestly I absolutely will be forever grateful.


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