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America pov:

I looked at myself in the very large mirror that was placed in the corner of the room, I could hear my mom scolding May attempting to make her sit still as she does her hair. Marlee and Celeste on the other hand were chasing the twins around trying to get them in their outfits. I couldn't help but feel content which was terrifying in a way because everything could go downhill at any moment. "Stopp" Celeste urged while hugging me, "Wha-what?" I stuttered taken aback by her sudden gesture; "Overthinking, you always make that face" she replied sassily as if she was trying to state the obvious "I'm not making any face" I retorted crossing my arms, "Don't tempt me to smack it off then" she said simply while grinning.

I was about to say something when she beat me to it "Ames, you look gorgeous and I know Maxon will think the same, You both love each other and that's what matters in the end, I don't know what you're worried about but I sure as hell know that he is head over heels in love with you and the fact that even after what y'all have been through in the past few years hasn't managed to affect your love for each other, now that's saying something" she smiled, hugging me once more and walked away. I looked down at the engagement ring Maxon had given me the day he proposed almost a year ago, I could remember everything so clearly.


Saturday morning picnics had officially become our thing, it was very simple yet held so much meaning to me. I decided to stay in Illéa because he wanted to see the kids every day and it's not like anything was left for me in Italy anyways. With Nic not here anymore, Nicoletta took the throne, and everything is doing well there. I stay at the Illéan palace nowadays under Maxon's orders, I tried negotiating with him but it didn't quite go as planned and ended up with me living closer to him than I'd like, but it's not like I can deny my kids being close to their biological father. We had grown closer in the last couple of months, went on many dates here and there but I didn't want to tarnish his image. Many people were warming up to the idea of him becoming King in a few years and I didn't want to spoil it by being 'the girl who married the Italian Prince and now the Illéan one'. I loved Maxon dearly and I didn't want to hurt him any more than I already had so I asked him for distance, and he respected that, but that was months ago.

I sat on the grass looking out at the lake, two swans were swimming by each other, I yearned for my life to be as simple as theirs. "Beautiful view isn't it" I heard Maxon say behind me, I could feel his gaze on the back of my head, and I hummed in response even though I was well aware we were both thinking about two completely different things. He sat down next to me a gently pulled me towards him and laid my head on his chest, I wished that we could live in this moment forever just staring at the sunset and fulfilled by each other's company. "Anything on your mind love" he whispered into my hair while stroking it gently "I just wish it could be this simple" I murmured, "It always is my dear" He said, he lifted my chin turning me towards him and slowly leaned forward connecting our lips, "America" he said breathlessly. I looked into his eyes trying to see what was going through his mind, he looked nervous, I looked down to see a little box in his hands and I gasped aloud.

I was well aware of what it was, we talked about it countless times before but I had no idea he would think about doing this so soon. "America, before you say anything let me finish" he said softly, his eyes pleading me to give him a chance, I simply nodded clueless of what to even say. "You know I loved you from the moment I met you, your personality and everything stood out from the rest of those girls. I knew that day I chose Kriss I made a huge mistake, I tried to get you back but I couldn't, someone as perfect and amazing as you deserved so much better than me, so I thought I should let you go, but then I was miserable without you America, I saw you two happy and was distraught at the idea of how that could've been me, us. My dear, I have never stopped and will never stop loving you even after the day I die, It's always been you America and I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I love you except the kids of course" he said smiling widely. I immediately hugged him and held him tight, "yes" the one word that would determine our future, the moment he heard it he lifted me in the air and spun me around as we both laughed. "If you want we could get married tomorrow" he suggested while he put me down "Maxon that's too soon, many people won't be happy, if it were a much simpler situation I would've but--", he cut me off "I know what you're concerned of Ames, and you should know, for you I'd wait a hundred years or more" he said pulling me close

*Flashback ends*

Standing in front of those two large doors had me pacing the room nervously as I anxiously awaited for the music to begin, in the corner of my eye I saw Aspen walking towards me, he immediately engulfed me in a hug "Mer you look absolutely stunning" He told me, I could see his glassy eyes once he pulled away, "Now you're going to make me cry" I joked, I heard him laughing. Aspen was the only brother like figure in my life for the past year or so, and naturally, I asked him if he'd walk me down the aisle and he was more than happy to accept. "You know Ames I never got to attend your first wedding" he stated. I internally cringed thinking about that, "That was very rushed and at the time meant nothing but an agreement, now I know this will be the most meaningful one" I said trying to make him understand. "Well then Mer I'm more than honored to be here" he said while bowing exaggeratedly, I chuckled at his actions. Right at that moment the orchestra started playing and the doors opened, the twins accompanied by Celeste, Marlee and May walked first on their cue. Then soon I knew it was my turn, I took in a breath and entangled my arm with Aspen's and held on to him for dear life, I was terrified I would slip and fall on my face which was the last thing I wanted happening today.

The moment I stepped in, I felt everyone's eyes turned towards me, even though the crowd was small I still felt like I was being judged, so I kept my eyes glued to the floor, I then felt Aspen squeeze my hand reassuringly. I looked up to see the warm smile on people's faces, I looked in front and my eyes locked with the brown eyes I was yearning for, I could see him smiling so widely I was starting to think of how his cheeks weren't hurting. He slowly reached for his ear and tugged it, my smile widened considerably, I was glad I finally found the love of my life. We stepped towards the altar and Aspen put my hand into Maxon's and gave him a firm pat on the back and walked away. We stood there for a moment smiling like idiots looking at each other just glad that we finally found our way back into each other's arms, then the priest interrupted us.


A/N: Heyy guys we hit 10K thanks sooo much and there will most probably be a bonus chapter and if y'all have any ideas we're more than happy to listen and consider it😊.


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