Chapter 6: Heartless

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"As the skies are blue and the clouds are white, the battlefield will be colored with red..." Victoria said quietly. As 2 students helps put on her X3-G suit, she speaks to Yumi on her earpiece. "Are the squads prepared?" Victoria asks.

"Only the A squads are ready, B and C squads are in the middle of preparations. What do you want me to do with D and F squads?" Yumi said.

"Have all D and F squads evacuate the civilians to the bunker and have them protect it. We will engage the demons ETA 10 minutes." Victoria said.

"Roger that, we will accelerate the preparation phase. We will notify you when the squads are prepared. Yang out." As there was silence. And then, Victoria got in contact with Commander George Marken. "All of our troops are ready on the front lines. Waiting for your order." Marken said.

"Great. Also remind your troops to watch their fire. A to C squads are assisting us in this battle." Victoria said.

"Roger that. We await for your order. Commander Marken out." As Victoria is almost suited up, a huge buffed man with a steel war hammer on his shoulders walked up to her. "How is everything holding up?" He said.

"Not too good Maximus. We aren't going to get reinforcements from other sections. We would probably be lucky if we win this battle." Victoria responds. She inserts her gun in one of her pockets. "While fighting demons from the sky, keep a lookout for that figure who taken most of our squad out. If you see it, don't engage."

"Don't worry about it. Let's just focus on defending the island. We will worry about that figure later." Maximus said.

Victoria turns on her holographic red visor. "Of course."


The alarms were off. Every five seconds, the PDA says "All civilians. Evacuate to your local bunker. This is not a drill." Everyone is rushing towards the bunker entrance with the guidance with the D and F squads. Alex and the Phalanx Squad are at one of the bunker's entrance. Alex talking to Yumi over the earpiece.

"The evacuation is running smoothly. How about the other bunkers?" Alex asks.

"Reports said there running smoothly as well. We'll keep you on touch just in case anything happens." And the call ended. Sarah walks to Alex.

"Where's Ms. Yukimara?"

"I got no clue. Why?" Alex responds.

"Because we haven't seen her the entire day." Sarah said.

"That's odd. But we are going to have to worry about that later. Let's get the civilians to safety." Alex said. Then he sees Michael coming to him from the distance. Michael arrives.

"Michael? What are you doing here?" Alex asks

"Have you seen my squad? I can't find them?" Michael asks while Alex facepalms.

"Ugh! This is such a mess!" Alex getting frustrated.

"Are you okay Alex?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Any chance you know what your squad was doing?" Alex said.

"Yeah, they said we will be guarding bunker B6." Michael said.

"B6?!" Alex in shock.

"What's the problem?" Michael asks.

"Michael, at the moment we are at R1. B6 is across the city." Sarah explains.

"Meaning that it's going to take us a couple of minutes to get there. But we don't have that much time, the attack is about to start soon." Alex explains more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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