The Mistake Of Eden

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I settle into Lachlan's new bed, comfortably. I feel my anger rise, then hear Lachlan's voice in my head, promising me we will be without technology in time. I take a deep breath. I'm not physically tired at all, since I just woke up a few hours ago, but I'm emotionally fried. My head hits the pillow and I feel the Ecopan try to take hold of me.

"Please, wait. Let me speak to Lachlan for a minute first," I whisper. I feel Aaron deciding... then he loosens his grip. I feel his presence in my mind, he's watching through my eyes, waiting for his time to strike. I wait several minutes till Lachlan finally gets out of his bath.

He comes out in a white t-shirt and navy blue pajama pants. He grins when he sees me. He puts the towel on his head and roughly shakes it to dry his hair. I laugh as he throws the towel to the side. He slips under the covers next to me. He kisses my brow as I rest my head on his chest.

"I've never felt so clean in all my life! How is the water here cleaner?" Lachlan exclaims. I smile. How careless he is! That's how I want to keep it. I nuzzle deeper in his chest trying to comfort myself. This isn't how I wanted things to go for me, but at least everyone else is safe. At least Lachlan is happy.

"Are you alright?" Lachlan asks, sensing my weird mood.

"Yeah. I'm alright," I say, pulling away from him to look him in the eye. I rest my head on his outstretched arm. I fake a smile. Lachlan doesn't believe it. He brushes my hair out of my face.

"I almost lost you today," He whispers to me. I can hear the pain in his voice. I almost forgot the events of this morning effected him too. Lachlan has been so strong all day, making sure everyone else is okay, tending to the wounded, planning the future of Harmonia. I almost forgot just this morning Lachlan was on his knees, sobbing. "Please...don't leave me."

I can't bear Lachlan's anguish. I lean forward and kiss him passionately. Everything I've endured the past few days, everything I've endured the past few months, my whole life, seems to flood into this kiss. For a moment thoughts of Lark start to creep into my mind, but I can't seem to think of her for more than a second. I don't dare give up the comfort Lachlan's kisses give me. I have the familiar sense that Lachlan will give me comfort, and happiness, and peace of mind. Suddenly, Lachlan winces.

"What is it?" I ask him. He cradles the hand that was just pinned under my back.

"I forgot to tell you," He says. "I broke my hand trying to rescue you."

"Oh my earth! Why didn't you wrap it?" I ask him. He flashes a wry smile at me. I smile back, he isn't one to pamper himself. I roll my eyes then roll over. He wraps his arms around me, spooning me. I kiss each of his split knuckles individually. I feel so at peace...until I realize the Ecopan is here, waiting until it can take me.

"I just want to sleep. I don't want to think anymore. I want to have sweet dreams that I can share in the morning," I say. Lachlan thinks I'm talking to him but really I'm talking to Aaron, hoping he'll spare me tonight. I don't want to be the Ecopan right now.

Oh, Rowan. I would grant you one night of freedom, but your duties as the Ecopan have just started, and the people of Mahali Salama need you. Aaron's words are the last thing I hear before the Ecopan takes hold of me, taking my conscious and making it it's own.


"The wall is already torn down," Aaron says. I can't see his body before me but I can hear his voice in a far off place in my mind, like Yarrow. The Ecopan couldn't take all of me permanently, so I couldn't completely merge with him. Now I have two voices in my head fighting for dominance. "All you have to do now is wake them then get them across."

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