You Disobey Your Parents

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I think I'm gonna leave these a little open-ended, simply because IDK how I'm gonna end most of em. I tried asking a few of my friends for help, but tbh they weren't much help at all😂
Requested by Al3xTh3B35t

"This is boring," You mumble as you lean against a wall.
Stuck up Thalmor wander around the parlor and talk politics with each other and Imperial officials.
Elenwen was hosting this party, of course. The ambassador was always trying to gain information, one way or another. Thankfully, she's left you alone except for an overly polite greeting.

"No one here seems interesting at all." You look around the parlor for the umpteenth time in search of something fun to do. The refreshments catch your eye and your stomach growls. I guess eating good food is fun, right?
You make your way over to the tables and start loading up a plate with sweet rolls and boiled cream treats.

"Hey, leave some for everyone else." Someone says behind you. You spin around and come face-to-face with a young elven man.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" You ask.

"The name is Aicantar. I'm Calcemo's nephew," He says. He seems a lot friendlier than the other guests here. "And who might you be?"

"My name is Y/n, daughter of Ancano. It's a pleasure," You say, shaking his hand.

"So," Aicantar scratches the back of his neck nervously, "Are you as bored here as I am?" He asks.

"You have no idea." You laugh. "Wanna see if we can't sneak out of this stuffy place?"


"Y/n," Bryn sighs as he leads you away from the prison. "What have I told you about trying to steal from the Black-Briars?"

"I'm sorry," You say meekly. "But even you have to realize what a bitc-"

"Shhh! Do you want someone to hear you, lass?" He asks, looking around for anyone who might've heard. "Yes, I know Maven is a hagraven of a woman, but that doesn't change the fact that she and her family protect the Guild. So please, Y/n, don't tangle with them again. I don't want to see you on Maven's blacklist."

There honestly isn't much Cicero asks you not to do. If Tekline isn't home, there's no need to enforce her rules. It's as simple as that in his eyes.

"Get back here, thief!" The guard on your tail yells after you.

"C'mon, it's just an apple!" You yell back, "Not like I stole a necklace from Belethor's of something!"

"Y/n, don't make me call on your father," The guard threatens. You grimace at the thought and slow your pace to a halt.

The guard catches up to you and leans on his knees for support to catch his breath. "Alright, miss, hand over the goods." He orders, holding out his hand.

You begrudgingly plop the shiny red apple into his palm along with five septims to cover your fee.
"Please dont tell my dad," You beg, trying to appear as innocent looking as possible.

"Fine. But don't let me catch you again." The guard says before marching back to his post.

"How many times have I told you, Y/n? You can't kill someone on the job! This isn't the Brotherhood!"

"But she attacked me first, am I not supposed to defend myself?!"

"Y/n, I don't want to hear it. Go to the training room, I'll come find you when you can come out."
(I ran out of ideas for Mercer here. I had one idea and had it all written out, but then I realized it didn't suit this scenario. OOF😖 Buuuut I saved it and will use it in a different chapter. God bless Copy and Paste)

You peek your head through the grand door of Castle Volkihar to check that the coast was clear. Seeing how no one was in sight, you quietly walk in.

You had a busy day- yes DAY- exploring the caves on the mainland. The only reason you went home early was because you knew everyone on your grandfather's court was going to awake soon after sunset.

You stealthily make your way back to your bedchambers, thankful no one has woken up yet.
Once safe and sound in your room, you close the door and...

"ARRGH!" You scream when Ronthil pops out from behind your once-open door. 

"Shh," he whispers, "Do you want someone to hear you?!" he asks.

"What are you doing in here?" you ask him in return.

"Simple, your ladyship. I was ordered to keep post outside of your room. I'm surprised you were unaware of that." he answers politely. "May I ask what you were out doing so early?"

You sigh knowing well that he won't tell anyone if you confess. Ronthil is just an innocent sweetroll of a guy. "Alright, I guessss," you groan. "I was out exploring on the coast-"


You slap your hand over his mouth to keep him from announcing to the whole world that you were out. "Yes, I left the island, Ronthil. No need to yell about it!" You hiss.

"Can I- May I ask you a favor, lady Y/n?" Ronthil asks nervously. 


"Would you perhaps consider taking me with you the next time you go out?"

"Dad, I'm sorry!" you keep repeating over and over as Vilkas drags you through Jorrvaskr. "I didn't mean it!"

"Sure you didn't, Y/n. Of course you didn't mean to call that Olfrid a 'skeever-scat Shorphin.'" your dad mocks with a deep scowl on his face. You struggle to loosen his grip on the back of your shirt collar but to no avail. You surrender and cross your arms over your chest and allow Vilkas to drag you down the hall to your room. "Now sit there and think about what you did. I'll come get you when Tilma has dinner made," he says, closing the door behind him.

"Fine! See you then, cow-chucker!" You yell.
Not two seconds later, your door flies back open with a bang, and in the doorway stands your father, angrier than ever. You're totes in the wolfhouse now.

I'd like to apologize for not  posting for so long.
The end of 2018 was so bad, and the beginning of 2019 was even worse. I am aware that at least some of my readers will see this as an excuse for being lazy, but I swear on my brother's ashes that isn't the case. In the last six months I've had my heart broken twice, lost my little brother in a tragic way, and have had to face so many of my inner demons. Thankfully though, I don't have to face them alone.

I am encouraging you, the reader, to seek help when you need it, even if you think you don't need to. If you are struggling with mental illness I urge you to reach out to those who care about you: family, friends, a doctor or a Priest, anyone you feel can help, and find a healthy solution.If you feel suicidal, PLEASE call a suicide hotline. Please don't end your life. Please don't put your family through what mine has. If you were looking for a sign that things will get better, this is it. 
Thank you for taking the time to read this message, I hope it helps you.  -L.E.M.

"You must never give in to despair. Allow yourself to slip down that road and you surrender to your lowest instincts. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

" - Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

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