Chapter One

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Chapter One

Isabel Covey


"Stop it!" Luke yells at me as I look at the picture. He looks so adorable writing his research paper. So determined to finish before his date with Mads.


I giggle a little when he glares at me. Sometimes, I feel really bad disrupting my best friend when he's busy. Today is not that day.

"If I don't finish this before Mads is done with practice," he warns me narrowing his eyes down at me. I try to keep myself from laughing when he continues, "Covey, you're so going to pay."

I pinch his nose and smile. Luke looks more annoyed now so I check my watch and say, "Don't worry, Lover boy. You still have thirty minutes to write about the French Revolution." Luke groans at me and goes back to writing.

Mads comes in after an hour with her duffel bag around her shoulder and furrowed eyebrows. In all honesty, Mads isn't nice. Not even close. Well, she tries to be, but she easily gets annoyed with everyone, even me.

I can tell Luke really likes her. Even if he wont admit it, he's whipped. You should see how he looks at her during english class or when he sent her twenty-five roses on Valentines day because it was the 25th of August when they met. He's a total romantic.

"Hey, babe." Mads smiles at him and kisses him on the cheek as she slides down to the seat beside him. Her eyes then follow to me, making me cringe a little in my seat. She smiles at me and says, "Isabel."

"Hi Mads!" I beam, trying not to make this whole situation awkward. Mads bites her lip in annoyance with my optimism. I frown at that, making her roll her eyes. Yikes.

Luke could probably tell what was going on since he decided to pack up his stuff and get on his feet. "Is, we've got to go." he smiles at me and grabs his girlfriend's duffel from her hands.

Mads looks pleased and turns around after saying, "See you, Isabel."

"I'm sorry, Is." Luke says to me.

I smile at him and encouragingly say, "Enjoy your date. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He nods and chases Mads. I take a five minute break to register my feelings. Assured that I was definitely annoyed, I collect my things and head out.

It was normal hearing only my heels clack against the concrete. Our neighborhood was always quiet at night. Everyone was either outside the neighborhood or in their houses by six. Maybe because there was nothing else to do in it.

As I continued walking, I realized my thoughts were crazier than the flickering lamp post beside the house to my right.

How could Mads be so hostile towards everyone? It wasn't like anyone was born to please you. I wondered what Luke saw in her. Don't get me wrong, Mads is beautiful. She's tall and skinny with olive skin and green eyes. But her personality was the total opposite. She was a total monster!

I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down. Don't overheat, I think to myself. It's something my dad taught me once when we got stranded in traffic once. I'm in that balanced state until I'm woken up by reality.

And by reality, I mean bumping into someone.


Hey guys! We would just like to welcome you with some opening notes! YAY

First, It's the first official chapter of our book! Since we are two, It's kind of tricky so please bear with us. Our ideas are kind of all over the place at the moment so it's quite difficult, but both of us are trying to sort it all out.

And secondly, we'd really appreciate comments and/or votes! Hearing feedback from you guys would be really helpful so you'd get to enjoy our work way better because we'll get to take your comments into consideration.

LASTLY! On your right (or on top if you're using mobile) is Dianna Agron! When i first pictured Isabel Covey, I thought of her in I am Number Four. Isn't she lovely?

Other than that, We hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Stay safe and thank you for reading! :-)

x Kim and Angie

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