Chapter 6

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Still Tomika's POV:

To rehearse before we play was a bad idea. It started good, because Trip texted me, that he, dad, Bunny and Ruthless would come to hear us play, but then we destroyed everything. 

Right now we are sitting in the room Gooch gave us. "We Need to cancel the gig." Zack said. "No. Bands don't go before a gig!" Mr. Finn protested. "I also hate to leave, but we can't play without our Instruments." Freddy said "That's true, but we play that night, because that's what bands do. When you get a gig you play the gig. That's Rock'n Roll. The same goes for Broadway, marching bands, puppet Shows." Freddy stood up. "Mr. Finns Right. We play." "I agree. But not because you said it." Zack said. "But what About the Instruments? We Need them and even my marakas are broken." Summer made clear. "Well, we go on in a hour, so figure it out." And that's what we did. Luckily Mr. Finn's guitar was okay, because he couldn't move.

One hour later:  

After everyone said a Million times that he or she had failed and Mr. Finn Held his speech, ate dip and threw it up again, we all agreed to fix the Instruments as a Team.

Freddy and Zack went to build drums.
Summer helped Mr. Finn and asked Gooch for a tamburin
I sent Bunny a text to give Rocky my other base from home, so he could bring it to Gooch's. (I told the others, that I would post something on our blog.)But of Course Bunny gave him the wrong one and know I had the one with a flamethrower. My dad has issius.
And I helped Lawrence to repair his Keyboard wich wasn't damaged that bad.
With a risky Action we were also able to steal a guitar for Zack.

Now only the amp is left. "Lawrence will it work?" Freedy asked "I have no idea." He answered giving him thumbs up. "It will work. Because we worked together. And now LET'S ROCK!" I said.

And so we went on the stage and started playing.

Bold= Tomika

Italics= Band without Tomika

Bold and Italics= All

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know
Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losin' control
You're like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold
I want the good life
Every good night you're a hot one to hold

Cause you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in the city I know
Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losin' control
You're like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold
I want your sex and your affection when I'm holding you close

Cause you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap

Every night when the stars come out
Am I the only living soul around?
Need to believe you could hold me down
Cause I'm in need of something good right now
We could be screaming till the sun comes out

And when we wake we be the only sound
Get off my knees and say a prayer James Brown

Bet I can make your hands clap
(Turn it up)
My fresh is searching for your worst and rest dont ever deny
I'm like a stranger, give me danger
All your wrongs and your rights
secrets on broadway to the freeway, you're a keeper of crimes
Feel no conviction, grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine

But you don't even know
I can make your hands clap
Said I can make your hands clap

Every night when the stars come out
Am I the only living soul around?
Need to believe you could hold me down
Cause I'm in need of something good right now
We could be screaming till the sun comes out
And when we wake we be the only sound
Get off my knees and say a prayer James Brown

Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap
Bet I can make your hands clap

So can I get a hand clap?

The crowd went wild and started clapping like there life depended on it.

After they all went to the next room to Party, we started to pack our stuff. Then Gooch came up to us. "Hey skinny." He looked at Mr. Finn who looked if someone was behind him." "Yeah you. Who is the leader of this band?" "Tomika." All answered. "What?" I asked. "You were the only one, who didn't fight About Leadership." Summer explained. "What About Mr. Finn?" They all shot me a "Really" look. "But-" "No buts. You're perfect Tomix. And the Person in that commemt was Right. You've Always been our leader and now it's official." The others noded. "Ohh. How sweet. But you don't think one good Gig will get you out of the mess you're in?!" "Maybe?" "Well, it doesn't!" He screamed while pushing me. The push was so hard, that I fell backwards. Luckily Zack caught me. "You all play for me the next time free and you sign me a guitar." He said pointing on Zack. Then he walked away. We were so happy. Then I saw my brother on the other side of the room. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. I'm Walking home." The band left and Trip came up to me. "Totally rocked that sis!" "Yeah, I've Always been the more talented one." "No you've not!" "Don't worry, people will Always remember you as my dumb Twin." "Tomika stop being mean to your brother!" Dad said as he walked to us. "And Trip be more like your sister. she totally rocked that." "Thanks, dad." I said smilling. "DAD?!" I turned around and there stood the band. With hurt and betrayel in their eyes. In the Corner of my eyes I saw that they had forgotten to take the Instruments with them. "Guys I can explain." I tried, but they just grabbed everything and left. I ran after them, but they just drove away in Mr. Finn's van. That's when I started running with Tears in my eyes. Dad and Trip called after me, but I didn't stop. I had lost my Friends. 

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