Carlos Sainz~ Lost

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If roses are meant to be red
And violets to be blue
Why isn't my heart meant for you

Y/N sat behind her piano, playing depressive songs. She has always been a happy girl, but one moment changed that:

Y/N decided to surprise her boyfriend, Y/ExBoy/N. He just came home from a travel  through Asia and god, she missed him. She unlocked his apartments door with her spare keys and called his name. No response. She decided to take a look in his bedroom; he must have been tired and wanted to sleep. She walked up the stairs on her tippy toes, not wanting to make any sound. But she heard some noices coming from his room. She opened his door slowly to peek inside. She saw something she never wanted to see. He was there, naked with a other woman. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I can explain..." he said, but you already ran out of the house, dropping the keys in his house. You cried your heart out behind your steering wheel while driving back home. You ran into your house and sat down behind your piano.

She stopped crying when she started playing. Music was her way to show her real emotions.

My hands longing to touch you
But I can barely breathe
Starry eyes that make me melt
Right in front of me

It was she, herself and her piano. She had a sore throat, but that made her singing voice even better with those songs. She never expected them to break-up. They loved eachother. Well, she loved him, but he probably didn't. She got herself a glass of water and drank a bit. She also removed her ex boyfriend from her contacts and tried everything to forget him. She also shut off her phone, not wanting anyone to disturb her. 

Lost in this world
I even get lost in this song
And when the lights go down
That is where I'll be found

Days passed and she only got worse. She didn't feel like eating something or drinking something. Her health was getting worse, but she didn't care. She felt absolutely nothing. Her day routine was always the same thing: Getting a few hours of sleep, playing the piano and sometimes eating a cracker or drink a little bit of water. She didn't check her phone ever since, not feeling like telling anyone and bother anyone with it. She sometimes got flashbacks from their happy time together. How he told her he loved her and how proud he was. 

This music's irresistible
Your voice makes my skin crawl
Innocent and pure
I guess you heard it all before

A breakup is not the end of the world, but it felt like it was for Y/N. She thought she'd never found her true love. She didn't have many friends, her parents both died. The only one she had left close to her, was Carlos, her childhoodfriend. But he was barely home...

Mister Inaccessible
Will this ever change
One thing that remains the same
You're still a picture in a frame

Carlos' POV:

"Dammit, why doesn't she pick up? I always call her at this time!" Carlos said, looking at his phone. He used to call Y/N at this time and day, but she didn't pick up. He was worried; he hasn't spoken to her for a long time and he wondered how things were doing, like her job and relationship. He never liked her boyfriend, he was a dick in his opinion. He jumped from his seat when he saw the ID of Y/N best friend appearing. "Hey" Carlos said. "Carlos, he cheated on her. She's not responding to anyone. You need to help her." the best friend said. "I'm on my way, I'll update you." Carlos said, before leaving his hotel to catch a flight to Y/N' house. 

Y/N POV again:

She didn't have the courage to call Carlos or her best friend, who was on the other side of the globe. She didn't want to bother anyone with her problems. And they would find out anyway. Her fingers traced over the pianotiles and started playing again. She sang:

I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes 
And when the lights go down 
That's where I'll be found 
Yeah yeah

I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes
And when the lights go down
Am I the only one

She started crying right after she finished. She sobbed so loud, that she didn't hear someone enter her house. She felt a pair of warms wrapped around her. "Y/N, it's okay. I'm here." the familiar voice said. He helped her to the couch and comforted her with warm hugs. Carlos took some time to look at the girl in front of him. She looked weak, she was pale and looked skinny. He made her some soup and got her a glass of water. She drank and ate the things, but it took her some time. "C-Carlos, Why do you care about me? I'm nothing but a idiot." She said, just loud enough to be heard. Carlos took her in his warm embrace again. "I love you for who you are Y/N. You're  a beautiful person, you have to see that yourself." He said, stroking her hair. "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back." She said, leaving upstairs. Carlos updated Y/N her best friend and he lit some candles in the room, to make it look romantic. After half an hour, she came back, dressed in sweatpants and a sweather. Carlos sat down behind the piano, ready to play the chords he heard her playing while she sang when he walked in. She started singing again, but changed to chorus:

I get lost in this world
I get lost in your eyes
And when the lights go down
That's where we'll be found 
Yeah yeah

I get lost in our world
I get lost in your eyes 
And when the lights go down 
I'm not the only one 

She walked closer to Carlos and hugged him once again. Carlos lifted his her head up to press a kiss to her forehead. She blushed at his action, but placed her head on his chest again. She yawned, tired. Not that strange, she didn't catch much sleep lately. Carlos lifted her bridalstyle and carried her to her bedroom. He laid her down and he laid himself down next to her. He hold her close, showing her that she isn't alone. As long as Carlos would help her, she would never get lost again.

A/N: Request open!

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