Lewis Hamilton~ Depression

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@amjhurk  I hope you like it!

"I love you babe, I'll see you in 1 week!" Lewis said, before kissing his girlfriend one last time. "Give your parents a hug from me!"Y/N said. Lewis drove away in the distance and Y/N closed the door. This was where it all started...

Y/N walked back to the kitchen, making a cup of tea. She checked if she had any plans for the coming week, but she didn't. How the hell was she gonna survive 1 week without Lewis? She drank her cup of tea before going to her bedroom. She picked her favorite book to read, but she couldn't concentrate on the context. Her mind was messing with her. Y/N decided to put her book away and try to catch some sleep.

5 hours later and she still didn't catch some sleep. She kept turning around in her bed. Did she miss Lewis so much? She didn't know. She got up to take a warm bath to relax. Y/N undressed herself and stepped in the hot water. She stayed there for 2 hours, before getting out and drying herself. She dressed herself in normal clothes, ready to start the day. She grabbed her bag and keys, ready to leave for work. She didn't feel like eating anything. 

Work didn't light up her day. Everyone kept staring at her and she felt irritated. Y/N came back home around 6pm. She cooked herself a bit of soup, but she didn't feel like eating it. She loved music, but didn't feel like listening to it.  This continued for a few days. She wouldn't sleep, wouldn't eat proper meals and wouldn't talk to anyone. 

A few days later:

Her phone suddenly rang. She looked at the ID; Y/B/F. She picked up and started the conversation:

"Hey Y/N, do you want to watch the new movie in the cinema tonight?" Y/B/F asked. "No, I don't feel like doing anything." Y/N said as normal as possible. "Ohh, okay. Cya!" Y/B/F said quickly and shut off. Y/N sighed and let herself fall down on the couch. She put on her favorite Netflix serie and got herself a blanket to lay under. After 20 minutes, she heard the door open. She quickly got up to check the incoming person, which was Y/B/F. "Y/N, what's wrong? You're not yourself today, aren't you?" Y/B/F asked. "That's not your problem Y/B/F! Why do people even stick their nose into others buisnesses? I just don't feel like doing anyting, wasn't I clear enough?" Y/N snapped at Y/B/F. "Look at yourself Y/N, you look pale and you have the biggest bags under your eyes I've ever seen!" Tears formed in Y/N eyes. 'I'm sorry Y/B/F, I should've not snapped at you." Y/N said in tears. She hugged her best friend. "Y/N, you have to eat something, okay?" Y/B/F said, walking to the kitchen. "I don't feel hungry." Y/N responded. "Tell me you'll be better soon, please?" Y/B/F said. "I will try to. She said with a little smile forming on her lips. Y/B/F left the house and Y/N continued her Netflix marathon. She spent 5 hours on watching the TV on the couch. It was quiet, but the silence dissapeared when she heard a key. "Y/B/F, I promised you I'd be alright!" Y/N screamed through the house. No response was heard. She soon felt 2 warm arms wrapped around her. She turned her head to look into the brown eyes she fell in love with years ago. Lewis sat down next to his girlfriend and hugged her for a long time. They both sat in silence, but it was comfortable. 

"Y/N, Y/B/F called me when I was packing to get back home. She told me you were grumpy and you didn't look as stunning as always.." Lewis said, while searching something on the Internet. "Here it is, depression." He said, while shutting the laptop down. He picked her  up bridalstyle without warning and brought her to their shared bedroom. He placed her down and put the covers on her. "I'll be right back with something to eat." Lewis went down to pick up an apple and cutting it in pieces. He took the apple pieces back to their bedroom and gave it to his beloved girl. Y/N took a piece between her fingers and put it in her mouth. She ate all the pieces of apple and earned a smile from Lewis. Lewis crawled next to her under the blankets and kept her close the whole night. He rubbed her back and comforted her when she needed it. Y/N started snoring softly. Lewis placed a kiss on her forehead, drifting into a deep slumber.

The following days went great. Y/N felt better and better. Her smile would return more and more. She would eat more and would rest enough. And it all thanks to Lewis <3.

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