The Meeting

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Jesy's POV

"Jesy wake up, I've got big news!"Perrie screamed down my ear.

"Geez Perrie don't you ever knock"I said.

"I did but you didn't answer so I had to call Anne to get it open so get up!"she said.hmpff,looks like i will never get any sleep,I got up tiredly and got dressed in a tank top some shorts and I went downstairs I saw Jade and Perrie fighting over the last croissant while Anne was practicing some lyrics for our new I just grabbed some a stack of pancakes and some orange juice for the start of the day.

"Perrie what was that big news you were going to tell us?"I said.

"Oh,everybody do you know my boyfriend?"Perrie asked.

"Yeah"we all said in unison.

"Well he said we could come over for brunch and meet his manager Simon Cowell to discuss some business" she said.

"what does he mean"we asked.

"i dunno! he said it was a surprise!"Perrie squealed.

I can't believe it we're going to have brunch with the biggest face in the music buisness ever,we were squealing like little girls."He's sending a limousine to pick us up at 9:00am sharp"shrieked Perrie so I went upstairs threw off my morning clothes and put on myy black wedged high tops,purple strapless topand some ripped shorts.I sprinted down the stairs and we were soon in the limousine meeting Simon.

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