chapter 2

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Monday's how I hated them. Yes I was so nicely sleeping when I heard my alarm. Dam  as much as I wish  To continue sleeping I had a wedding to plan .Relief that it was today and hello mini vacation . Hoping and praying that this getaway will bring us closer. I started noticing how this past few weeks his been distant from me . Telling me his tired and having late meetings. Coming home late and me waking up alone . His never giving me reason to doubt. So I'll try and be patient and more loving. I walked to shower and get ready . Walking out the house dressed  in a little black  dress . That fitted like a glove ,the advantages of being the planner and owner.

thank God ,I say as fall in to office chair. Never thought this day would be over so tired . Taking a few moments to think about what happen a few hours ago has me stuck here. Not wanting to go home to face the one person I love dearly....(FLASHBACK): watching the groom and bride dance so happy made my day . The best man as a gesture ,came up to me and ask for a dance .which in that moment was a song which to much grinding for my taste . But more interesting .half way to the song they all were squeezing and grinding so bad, Giving no choice to my partner but to grab my waist more firmly him being the clown and show off . Laugh and doing the same we were so into it that I never saw him, until it was to late my beloved husband. Even though I tried to explain that it was just dancing having fun . He never gave me the chance to explain . He pulled me towards  the side yelling and insulting me. What really hurt was him saying ,this wedding planning is I guess the perfect excuse to cover up my whoring around. As soon as the  words  left his mouth he regretted them.. Bella wait,I'm sorry I didn't. but I was already walking away. Never had he said that to me . (End  flashback ): if your wondering what my husband was doing there. Well I always invite him to all my most important weddings. What surprised me is he never wants to attend . Having more better things to do,his word. So deciding to get this over with I get in my car and drive home . Thinking my husband  is worried. Not expecting to find him gone. Leaving a simple note . Belle I am really sorry ....

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