chapter 5

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Waking up to an empty bed . Feeling like someone just slapped me . Why do I have to love him so much. All day I don't hear from him or the next only a phone call which I don't answer him . I'm Done being stupid  I can't take it my heart can't take this. A Knock on my door brings me back. I go to answer and a guy drops an invitation making me sign. I open it and it's the invitation we get every year when all the company's have a feast . Wondering why west hasn't said anything I go to the room grab my purse and find his number I call an ask to meet . Very well I will see you there . So many thoughts going to my head did he really just forgot about it or did he not want t)o take me...

Arriving to the Coffee shop I spot him in the corner. Right away he stands to greet me. Hello Mr. Cruz . Please call me Antonio or Tony . Okay I tell him ,first let me say I wish I didn't have to bother you. He gets a hold of my hands and tells me hey it's okay I offered my help and shoulder. On the verge of tears I start explaining everything even us being intimate and how he left me the next morning. When I'm Done I look at him . His face was mad really mad. Repeating stupid jerk how could he. By then my tears are visible I'm wiping them but I'm feeling so broken. He stand and sits next to me ..God how i wish i could take your pain. He sighs ,i dont want to see you shed any more tears.He tells me while brushing them what do we do then,we take a day off .both of us no dont even think of saying no .I look at him and think well why not i can use a friend lord knows i need without thinking i say okay ...  

i have never had so much fun in my life .i felt so relaxed so relief my depressin state forgotten.that was until it was time to had back.i didnt care ,walking me to the door .i was saying goodbye when the door opens reveling a very pist off husband glaring at his friend recieving the same from tony.The last thing i expected was being grabbed roughly.Shoved inside an yelling at me how i had no shame and how i had the nerve to show up with my lover after being gone all day.i mean how could he say that ...i was about to answer him when he left mad and swearin .ignoring him i was about to follow when his phone vibrated and i took it turned it off and hid it in my purse..walkin straight to shower ignoring him .after a much needed bath .i walked out to him demanding what were you doin with him...wes please im very tired lets talk tommorrow if u have time to squeeze your wife at 9am to that busy agenda.with that being said i tired geting in bed ,yes tried cause next im bein kissed hard with him reaptin your mine ,mine not his not no one else.well that did it i shoved him as hard as i could.i am not a toy. you can have whenever you remember or better yet feel threaten it may be if you feel that way maybe you need to pay more attention to the wife and drop the mistress.... pls enjoy the verticals /everything I'm not...exactly what Isabella is feeling.                     

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