Chapter 1

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"Thanks to the efforts of the Human Monster Association, monsters and humans are now joining together in harmony! A few years in the Integration Program can make a monster just as civil as any human, and can join society once agai-"

Max turned the TV off, silencing the anchor. What bullshit. They act as if they are being soooo helpful, like "Wow, thanks! I'm so glad you could be gracious enough to grant me normal rights!"

But, he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Soon, he would be dragged off to some monster boot camp where they would teach us how to be "normal". And yes, he has tried to escape before. Succeeded, too. In fact, he was technically supposed to go to when he was nine, but he managed to avoid it for a whole year.

Now, looking down at his obsidian handcuffs in this new place his parents dropped him off at, he knew it was pointless. Obsidian was the only material that could cancel out monster abilities, otherwise he would of broken away long ago.

He was waiting at a bus stop, but it wasn't exactly normal. It was a white, tiny room with a metal door, a TV playing only the news, and it resembled some sort of guard post, probably to prevent monster kids from escaping before they got on the bus. The walls were covered in even more obsidian plates, in case a monster was especially powerful.

Jesus, they treat us like dangerous criminals.

Though to be fair, Max did... harm quite a few guards before. Speaking of which, two men were standing to the side of him in black suits and sunglasses. When Max heard the sound of screeching brakes, the two men grabbed each side of Max's shoulders, ushering him out the door to the bus awaiting before him.

"Hey, don't fucking touch me!" Max tried to shake off their hands. They didn't reply.

"Fuckers..." He mumbled.

On cue, the bus door opened.

"Bus is here." Grumbled the bus driver.

Max looked at him, and immediately regretted it. He had grey hair, a creepy ass hook on one hand, one eye missing, and... was that blood in his beard?

"Max, this is QuarterMaster. He is the bus driver and cook for the Integration Camp you're going to, Camp Campbell." Said the man to the left of him.


"Let's get goin' now, son." Said this "QuarterMaster".

Max sighed. "Let's just get this over with." He climbed on the bus, feeling the familiar invisible pressure of obsidian plated walls. God, the bus too?

Looking down the rows, he saw that he was the only monster aboard. Made sense, considering he was considered an... extreme monster. So, he picked a seat, sat down, and tucked his hands inside his hoodie pocket.

He watched the trees fly by for what seemed like hours, when he noticed the bus stopped.

"All Camp Campbell kids ge'off." Grumbled the QM. Max was hesitant, but went to the bus door. The door opened, and immediately a freckled face was in his own face.

"Weeeeeeelcome, camper! I am absolutely ecstatic you could join us! I know that we will have an absolutely swell time together, and I just know you will make so many friends here!"

Oh my God.


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