Chapter 3

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David rushed over to Gwen. "What the gosh-darn-heck happened here?"

Gwen rubbed her temples. "Spacekid's just... pushing me to my limits again."


Gwen rolled her eyes. "Ok. What is on the schedule today?" She asked, patting out a little flame on her shoulder. 

"Oh silly Gwen! Today is the day we introduce the new camper, remember?" He reminded, pulling Max to his side, but Max just squirmed away.

"Jesus that's right... Okay. Let's just get this over with and show them the video," She said.

"Aaaactually," Said David. "I was thinking we could play them that new song I wrote-"

Gwen held a finger to David's lips, shushing him. "I'm gonna stop you right there. No. I'll get the laser disk."

"Oookay!" Said David cheerfully, doing a thumbs up. "All you campers head over to the activities field for your afternoon manners session!"

They all groaned in response.

"God, does he ever stop being so happy?" Max asked no one in particular.

"Hey new kid!" Max turned around in surprise. Behind him was that same girl who attacked David, with her greenish fur, sharp claws, and yellow eyes. Behind her was that same zombie-looking kid, except up close, Max wasn't really sure if he was even a zombie... he mostly just resembled a bunch of different colored flesh held together by stitches and screws. Oh, and also with really poofy hair.

"Um, Hi?" Max said to the wolf girl, still staring at the kid behind her.

"You must be Max! I'm Nikki, and this is Neil!" Nikki said, pulling Neil to her side.

"The pleasure's all mine." He said sarcastically. "Wait... what are you?" He asked Neil.

Neil sighed. "Failed experiment. Most people compare me to Frankenstein's monster, so I guess that's what I am."

"Oh... cool, I guess." 

"Now Max," Said David, interrupting them. "Here at Camp Campbell, we have an amazing leader, the one and only Cameron Campbell!" He sighed dreamily. "He is an absolute legend! Oops, sorry, is an absolute legend."

While David continued rambling, the three kids watched as some old man covered in scales walked down a ladder from the attic, dressed only in stained underwear and some kind of gym shirt.

"-a savvy businessman, extraordinary philanthropist, and one heck of an adventurer if I do say so myself!"

The man realized there were people watching him, so he quickly climbed back up the stairs. The kids once again watched as he came back down the stairs, except this time fully clothed, wings poking out of rips in his vest.

"Oh, it's true. Mr. Campbell doesn't often have time to visit the camp anymore what with him traveling the world, doing fierce dragon-y things, and, I assume, saving lives. But! He'll always live in our hearts and minds! Oh, if only he were here!"

The man put a scaly hand on David's shoulder from behind. "I'm here now."

David gasped. "M-Mr. Campbell?! W-what are you doing here?" 

He laughed. "Certainly not hiding from any authorities, if that's what you're thinking!


Cameron slapped David's back awkwardly. "Haha, come on, Davey! You think I'd miss the opportunity to welcome the new campers?"

"You have for years, sir." Gwen commented.

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