Chapter 4

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"Ugghhhh.... I'm soooo hungry!" Nikki whined.

"How? You just ate!" Said Max, looking at her empty plate.

"Yeah, but all they serve here are gross, mushy peas and... mac n' cheese?" She stared at a yellowish mush of noodles, not quite sure what they were.

"Nikki's right, Max." Said Neil. "Even though she is only half-wolf, wolves her age need around 2 pounds of meat every day."

Gwen heard the kids and felt sympathetic. "Look kids, I'm really sorry, but there's nothing we can do about it. It's required that we integrate every student to a normal, human diet. If you want, we can give you seconds, but not very much meat-"

"No!" Max shouted. "Integration this, integration that! It's all bullshit! We shouldn't have to have our diets restricted to please other people!"

"Now now Max, let's calm down." Said David. "There is truly nothing what we can do since it's... well, required by law. Oh! How about we go meet Larry the hamster to get our minds off things? He always cheers me up!"

He and Gwen ushered them outside to a glass container, a small hamster nibbling on a mealworm.

"Isn't he great?" David asked. "Larry has been our mascot for quite a while now, and has represented everything we stand for perfectly! Isn't that right, Gw- Uh, Nikki? What are you doing?"

Nikki was staring at the rodent, eyes wide and mouth drooling.

"Nikki, I know what you're thinking, please don't-" Begged Gwen.

Too late.

Nikki lunged at the glass case, pulling out the hamster and stuffing it in her mouth in one swift movement.

Gwen's eyes went wide. "Nikki, don't you dare-"

Nikki swallowed.

Gwen facepalmed. "Jesus fucking christ... Welp, guess it's time to get a new mascot."

"Yeah, that's not necessary. Literally like 95 percent of the campers are some kind of half animal, so I think we're covered in the "animal mascot" department. Hell, Nikki can be the new mascot after.... dethroning the old one." Max pointed out.

"He does have a point..." Added Neil.

"Woo! I'm the new ma~scot, I'm the new ma~scot, I'm the new ma~scot!" Nikki sang.

David sighed, rubbing his temples. "Alright, whatever. Nikki can be the mascot." He checked his watch. "Oh deer(hehe), it's almost time for the manners class! C'mon kids, I'm sure the rest of the campers are waiting in the activities field!"

"Manners class?!" Max groaned.

"Oh, trust me, it's worse than you think." Neil warned Max, but Gwen was already ushering them to their doom.


"Now kiddos, who would like to demonstrate what to do when you greet someone?" David offered.

Nikki raised her hand excitedly, jumping up and down. "Me me me! MEEE!"

"Well, looks like we got a volunteer! Come on up to the stage!"

David was standing on a stage with the words "Acting Camp" poorly spray painted on a sign above their heads.

"Alright Nikki, let's pretend I am a stranger greeting you on the street After all, anyone you don't know can be a potential friend!" David cleared his throat, changing his voice a bit to sound different "Ahem... 'Why hello there! Lovely weather we are having!'" Nikki didn't say anything back, so David just continued. "And this is where you agree, and then shake hands! You stick out your hand like this, and then- aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

Nikki was biting David, latching onto him by only her teeth. David was screaming in pain(and a bit of terror), triggering Gwen into grabbing the spray bottle clipped at her side. After all, this wasn't the first time this happened. She ran to Nikki, spritzing her with water. "Down girl, down!"

Nikki growled and let go, but David accidentally kicked his back left leg out, knocking the spray bottle out of Gwen's hands and breaking the top off. It flung into the air, tipping water right onto the nearest person, which so happened to be Neil.

His whole body crackled with energy, the water reacting with the electric bolts keeping his skin together. Lighting zapped out from him, shocking Max.
In pain and surprise, a surge of power emitted from Max, covering the entire area in a carpet of bright blue flames.

Nikki stepped off the stage, obviously proud of herself. "You ok there, Neil?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I managed to wipe the water off. Sorry about that Max..." He said sheepishly.

Max rolled his eyes, his wound completely healed by that time with his magic. "Yeah, whatever. Let's just get out of here."

They walked away from the destruction scene, kids behind them running around in fear while Gwen was on the floor, having a panic attack.

"That was a fun class!" Nikki exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, that was pretty fun. Y'know, we can make every class that fun if we wanted to." Max said, smirking.

"Hey, getting electrocuted is, like, five times better than listen to David talk." Neil pointed out.

They walked off to their tents, already thinking of the possible shenanigans for tomorrow.

A/N: Not my... best piece of work since I rushed it a bit, but next chapter is going to have some good plot and will be much better, so get ready for that ;)

2021 edit: nvm lol

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