Chapter 2

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"Weeeeeeelcome, camper! I am absolutely ecstatic you could join us! I know that we will have an absolutely swell time together, and I just know you will make so many friends here!"

Max flinched. "Woah, personal space buddy!"

The greeter drew back, still smiling. "You must be Max! I'm David, and this is your home for the next few years! How fun!"

Max rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Great."

He surveyed this "David". He had red hair and a lot of freckles, but then Max noticed he was actually part deer, matching his face with his red fur and brown and white spots all over his body.

"C'mon, let's just get this shit over with." Max said, pushing past David.

"Language! And yes, let's go and meet everyone!"

David practically skipped ahead, pulling Max along.

"Now Max, this is the mess hall. Here, we eat, have fun little parties, and inside are the campers, accompanied by our amazing Gwen! Let's say hi-"


They opened the door to some alien kid was floating around while other kids were hitting him back and forth like a beach ball, while Gwen was in a game of monkey in the middle, trying to grab the floating kid, shooting spells from a wand that were pretty much doing nothing.

"Don't worry Gwen, I can help you!" Said some other kid with bunny ears and a unicorn horn.

"No, WAIT!" But it was too late. The kid cast a spell from his horn, and a burst of flame shot across the hall, setting a wall on fire. While Gwen was trying to use water spells on the fire, some girl with wings and pink-streaked hair was bobbing her head to the music, and not far from her in the corner was some huge, green kid giving someone else resembling a, he assumed, zombie a wedgie.

David look horrified. "Oh no! I'm here, Gwen!" He said, rushing to her side to help extinguish the fire. But before he could get there, a blur of green shot at him, tackling him down. On top of David was this wolf girl with green-blue fur, biting David like he was her prey, while David screamed like a little girl. Quartermaster was just in the back watching.

That was when Max knew this camp was going to be absolute hell.

So that was the first two chapters of my story! Please leave feedback in the comments, and I will have the third chapter up very soon!


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