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harry woke up to this constant knocking noise. he groggily sat up and stretched, looking at the clock and seeing it was 3:29. 

"well, fuck me."

harry groaned and laid back, rubbing his face and trying to regain sleep. he was beyond tired since after school yesterday he looked for louis (dragging niall along) until 10 at night. he hadn't slept until one when he gave up working on his homework.

knock knock

harry urgently stood up, fully on alert now. he looked around his room for a makeshift weapon, finding nothing and slowly making his way to the window. pushing away the curtain with caution.


harry screamed (manly) and jumped back. covering his mouth and praying he hadn't woken up his mum. louis climbed in, chuckling. harry stood there, surprised and a bit mad. 

"you should've seen your face. h, your eyes-"

"what the fuck!"

harry said as quiet as he could, but still trying to get his anger out. it seemed more like a harsh whisper but louis was still as worried as ever. his big concerned eyes standing out in the moonlight. his lip was pulled down and he seemed so small.

harry took a deep breath and ruffled his curls.

"so, where have you been? for three days might i add, everyone went mad searching for you."

louis sighed and tugged on his clothes.

" 'm sorry," he said in a tiny voice, harry barely heard it.

"sorry?" harry had an eyebrow raised. "three days, you were gone! your mum went crazy."

"she did? well she should be used to it by now." louis harshly laughed. just a second ago he was shy and nervous and now he was acting as if this was all some joke.

harry rubbed his eyes, "what do you mean?" he asked exasperatedly and softly. he was exhausted and louis' mood swings were making him dizzy.

louis groaned and sat on the bed. "im sorry alright? i know how hard you must've been looking for me, i get it. but im an adult okay? i can handle myself." louis let out a breath of air he'd been holding. a moment passed where harry just patiently waited and louis thought about how to word it. "well, its just sometimes, i get in these moods, i dont know and um, i just need to clear my head, and i leave. simple as that. i've done it before so i dont know why liam and my mum still worry."

harry shook his head, "of course they worry, what if something happens to you on these spontaneous trips of yours? huh? so don't just take off okay? come over to mines or liams. you can clear your head here dont have to leave so dramatically." harry finished and rolled his eyes.

louis looked up at him with disbelief, "why are you so mad at me?!"

"because i've spent the past two days looking for you, i had two hours of sleep before you came here. i still have to finish my homework and in 3 hours im supposed to be awake. god! you dont see how much you leaving affects all of us? you think we're just going to let you disappear and carry on with out lives. grow up louis."

louis cocked his head to the right, "you're cute when you're angry."

that seemed to make harry snap out of it. "what are you doing to me?" he smiled and sat down next to louis.

"i wont run away again."


they stayed like that for a couple minutes, a sort of tension in the air that neither of them wanted to address.

"i really should be getting to sleep."

"yeah, me too."

harry snuck a quick side glance to louis.

"you wanna stay over? i could drive us to school, could borrow some of my clothes. then we can surprise your family after school." harry tried to make it sound as appealing as he could.

louis didn't answer just toed off his shoes and began taking his shirt off.

"oh," harry awkwardly coughed and looked away.

"tired," louis yawned and got under harry's covers.

harry shuffled in after him, not really sure if louis was still big on cuddling. he got his answer when he felt louis' head on his chest. small arms limp around his waist.

"you still sleep naked?"

harry laughed, "not tonight."

harry could feel louis smiling against his skin.

"we could always skip school." louis offered.

"you're a senior louis, this year plans out the rest of your life."

harry could feel louis stiffen so he tried to ease things up.

"maybe another time."


" 'night lou."

"goodnight harry."

"love you."

"love you too."

and just like that, everything was back to how it was 4 years ago.

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