Chapter 2: Fredbear's Family Diner

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Art by me :)

Unbeknownst to anyone the night before, a woman had strayed away from her home to find her cat, which had streaked away into the bushes and trees in the darkness.

The cat, poor thing, had been acting like your usual scared-at-nothing cat, and the restless creature streaked away as soon as the front door was open.

"Chicken!" the woman called, brushing off branches and leaves off her trousers, "Chicken, where are you?"

There was a small meow in reply.

The woman smiled happily with relief when she saw Chicken hiding underneath a bush, her eyes wide and fearful, trembling slightly, hackles raised.

"Chicken!" exclaimed the woman again. She knelt down in front of the scared cat. "Are you okay? You're never the scared type of cat. What's wrong?"

Chicken hissed at something behind the woman.

"What is it?"

There was the sound of the wind blowing, and the woman whipped around. She narrowed her eyes, but there didn't seem to be anyone around.

Suddenly, the sound of crunching footsteps echoed throughout the small, tree-and-bush-covered park, startling the poor woman. "Marley?" she called, hoping it was just one of her cats, "is that you?"

Chicken yowled and launched herself onto the woman's lap. Confused, she followed her cat's gaze...

...and was scared stiff as she finally looked at the source of the noise.

Their bodies were pitch black, and there were at least five of them. Each of them had different eye colors; reddish brown, piercing purple, demonic red, bright yellow, and burning orange. All the pairs of eyes were glowing, piercing the darkness.

Their black bodies were huge, and they surrounded the woman and the cat easily. The biggest one with the brightest red eyes, which was standing right in front of her, stepped forward with a demonic gurgle of a cackle, which sent shivers down the woman's spine.

"Looks like we've found one, guys," it said.

"Should we take her? She looks so terrified, I had to ask," said a more high-pitched voice, from the one with the yellow eyes, glee definitely evident in its voice.

The one with the glowing brown eyes grinned. "Of course."

No one could ever hear the woman's screams.


Our car drove through our small town in a relaxed kind of way. Vincent still had at least an hour to get ready before he opens Fredbear's Family Diner, which was his main restaurant, and that means more fun for us.

We arrived, and I took off my seatbelt, got out of the car, and dashed towards the glass front doors of the pizzeria. "I win!" I exclaimed when I touched one of the two doors.

"It's not a competition, Chris," Elizabeth laughed as she raced for the door as well.

"Why not?" I grinned.

Vincent unlocked the doors and we went inside happily. When we got inside, we were in the stage hall, where the dining area was at, and people could watch the two Goldies—Fredbear and Spring Bonnie—sing different songs onstage as they eat and share pizza together.

As Vincent and Samantha hurried off to tidy up the tables and briefly clean up the place, the three of us headed straight towards the stage to check behind the curtains.

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