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A little girl was standing in a tiny corner as the rain poured so hard.

People were rushing in the street. There were couples, adults, teenagers, and kids.

"Look! We can stay at that corner for awhile," a teenage boy like her said to his boy friends, pointing at the corner where she stood.

She counted how many they were and got worried when she found out that there were 11 boys wanting to fit in that tiny corner!

The boys ran to where she stood and tried to fit in. They looked like some statue, refraining from moving so much.

"Hey, Woojin, stop moving so much! I'm at the most outer corner. If you keep on moving, i'll get weEEEE--" the boy wasn't able to finish when he got pushed out of the corner.

"Sorry, Jisung-hyung! Jaehwan-hyung's fart was too much to contain! Hehe-- AAAAAH!" The boy screamed when he was pulled by the Jisung. Now there's two of them who's soaked in the rain!

"H-hehe. Sorry, Woojin. I don't know how to control my fa--HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He was pulled too but the difference is he even looked like he was enjoying it so much! Now they're three.

"Ooh, so this is how it's going to be. Who should I pull next?" He placed his index finger in his pouty lips.

"How about, Minhyun-hyung!" He laughed like crazy as he pulled the Minhyun who was actually holding two other boys by their arm so when he was pulled by the Jaehwan, the other two also came with him.

"Hey, Baejin. How about pulling Guanlin together? He won't be able to pull back even with his long arms. He's weak." The  boy who was dragged by the Minhyun said to the other one who was dragged too.

"If you're pulling me, Daniel-hyung and Sungwoon-hyung's coming with me!" Guanlin grabbed the two's arms.

"Why me?" The Daniel and the Sungwoon said in unison but when the six soaked in the rain, pulled the three of them together, the smile they had became a laugh! They were enjoying it!

"Hey, Seongwoo and Jihoon..." The 9 boys showed an evil smile.

"Please no... I would do anything, please no." The little boy with an apple hairstyle said.

"We'd like that idea, Jihoonie but... no thanks!" The 9 boys pulled the Jihoon.

"Aaaaah!" The 10 smiling boys went to a hault when they heard a scream from a girl. That's when Jihoon realized that he pulled the wrong person.

He thought he grabbed his Seongwoo-hyung but actually, he grabbed the girl instead.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! I-I... I didn't know! Oh no!" The little Jihoon boy said, panicking.

Y/n felt bad when she saw him panicking so much! So she looked at him in the eye and just smiled.

"N-no! No! It's fine!" The girl said, jolly.

"Rea-really?" The boy asked in which she nodded at.

"I never knew the rain felt like this..." She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes. Feeling every little drop of rain.

I never had time to play around the rain...

Unconsciously, Jihoon stared at her. She looked like an angel as she silently continued what she was doing.

Well actually, Jihoon wasn't alone because all of them, 11 boys, even Seongwoo who still wasn't wet, was actually staring at her.

"Really? It's your first time? Then let's make it so much fun," Jihoon, who was the only one who had the courage to speak, said.

"Sure. Though I don't usually spend time around strange--" the girl wasn't able to finish when Seongwoo, who was already in the rain without them noticing, went to the girl and lend his hand for a handshake.

"My name's Ong Seongwoo! Now I'm not a stranger, so can we spend some time now?" Y/n smiled at him and shook his hand.

"Your smile is really gorgeous..." Seongwoo said unconsciously.

"Ey! Seongwoo-hyung is making a move! We should introduce ourselves too," he approached her and introduced himself, "my name is Kang Daniel! It's so nice to meet you and what Seongwoo-hyung said is true!"

Then the introduction continued and after knowing each other, they ran under the rain, happily.

Who thought that the rain was something that people would have fun with? In this case, no one did. They just had fun with it without knowing.

When the rain was slowly stopping, they decided to go home already.

As they walked home, they gave all their polo shirts to her as a coat.

Coincidentally, the boys and her were living in the same subdivision so they sent her home.

That was the day when the greatest relationship was created. Not a romantic one, but a relationship better than one with romance.

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