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"So class, let's check your exam papers, shall we?" Those words made Y/n feel good as she knew that she will surely get some high marks.


After distributing the exam papers to different persons, they started checking.

"So, who got the highest score?" The teacher asked after they gave back the papers to the owner.

"Only got 1 number wrong." Her seatmate proudly said as he stood up and smiled at the class.

They clapped at him as Y/n pursed her lips, trying to stop her emotions.

"So this is how it feels..." The poor girl said to herself as she folded the paper to prevent her classmates from seeing her score.

"Thank you for lending me your throne for this quarter. I'll enjoy it because I'm sure you're claiming it back in the next grading." Her seatmate said and chuckled.

"You deserve it." She showed him a smile and stayed in her seat as she watched all her classmates leave the room to eat lunch.

Y/n bit her lips so tight that it was about to bleed just to keep her tears from falling... But in the end, she couldn't keep it in.

She got a zero in one of their category checking. 0/7.

All the 9 categories were perfect except for that one category.

It was one of those lessons that made her head ache from so much memorizing so she got the whole category wrong.

"What's wrong with me?" She hit her head thrice.

"Why can't I-I get these 7 questions r-right?" She cried harder.

"Is crying for these 7 mistakes absurd?" She asked herself.

"Is crying for this 0 written on my paper absurd?"

"In my case, I'm crying because I feel like I failed in the only thing where at least, I, think I'm excellent at. Is this still absurd?" She spoke to herself.

"Answer if you're a genius!" Y/n hit her head.

It was just her inside the room so it was fine since everyone was on the canteen and she was alone.

She sobbed and sobbed till she fell asleep.


After some time, she woke up from her sleep because she felt someone caressing her hair.

She lifted her head only to see the 11 boys in front of her.

"Hey... Why is your eyes so puffy?" Jihoon asked as he held her face gently to examine it but she looked down.

She got up and in a swift move, Jaehwan got her exam paper.

"Wow! You have a very good sco--" he wasn't able to continue when he saw tears rolling down the girl's face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you don't want me to see your score."Jaehwan put the exam paper back to her table and approached her.

"N-no, no." She said as Jaewhan hugged her, "it's just that... I'm a disappointment right now..."

No one dared to speak to let Y/n share her words.

"Can you believe it? I got a low mark in one category..." she sobbed up on Jaehwan's shoulder and everyone was silent till Jaehwan laughed like crazy.

"What do you mean a disappointment? You're joking. I even got a zero in all my exams no matter what category." He said as he hugged her tightly.

"I've never really got to be in the top 25 in our class... But anyway, no one's a disappointment! How dare you call yourself like that!" Jisung said like he was scolding her as he caressed her back and that made Y/n laugh in spite of her tears.

Everyone joked at Y/n till she was rolling in the ground with tears because of laughing so much.

After that, they told each other anything that made them sad lately and they composed themselves.

They stood up and had a group hug with Y/n on the center.

"You're excellent in everything, my little girl but you're the best at being our girlfriend." Daniel gave her a gummy and smiled at her genuinely.

"Baby, don't be so hard on yourself." Seongwoo said as he patted her head.

"Thank you to my daughter's princes for sending her home safely. I'll go in first, okay?" Y/n nodded and smiled at her dad.

"Thank you, guys for everything." She smiled at them and waved goodbye before going in to her house.

To Wanna One:

I needed you To Be One with myself and if It weren't because of you, I should've died because of pressuring myself without the need to do so and I should've also died because of letting my emotions and any other worldly problems control me.

Thank you and I love you...

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