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Y/n grabbed her books tight when she saw the girls who kept on bullying her standing on the empty hallway.

"Why does my next subject have to be in this building?" She asked herself as she held her books tighter and tighter.

"Oh. Look at what we have here," the tallest and bitch-est-looking girl stood in front of her, blocking her way.

"Where are you going?" The girl asked her but she kept her mouth shut and her eyes on the floor. The girl chuckled looking disappointed at her for not answering.

"I didn't know you're a mute." She and her group laughed.

"So where are you going?" Still, she didn't answer.

"When I ask, you answer me! Is being friends with the famous group in this school making you feel superior? You're just their friend because they pity you for being so lonely and ugly." Then a loud slap was heard.

Y/n fell to the ground and because of the impact of the slap, her books flew away despite her tight grip. She stayed at the ground after gathering her books.

"Did you know that when I confessed to Jihoon-oppa, he didn't reject me. I invited him to some dates but when he heard from you that I made out with a boy, he frankly told me that he doesn't want and care for me." She bent down and grabbed her hair, "see what you've done?" she threw her away.

"Now that Seongwoo-oppa and I were almost developing, he told me that you. You again. You saw me kissing a senior?" She slapped her.

There was a moment of silence till she spoke.

"Is it my fault that I want to protect my friends? All of those were true. I saw all of those with my own eyes. They may look like completely matured boys, but the truth is, they are still careless boys who think like 1st graders." Y/n spoke but still her eyes were on the ground.

The girl grabbed Y/n's face harshly and lifted it, facing her.

"Someone save me please..." y/n whispered to herself and closed her eyes tightly as tears escaped her eyes.

"No one's gonna save a pitiful girl like y--" the girl wasn't able to finish when someone called her name, harshly.

When she saw who it was, she let go of Y/n's face and hid her hands behind her back.

"O-oh... Woojin! I didn't expect to see you h-here!" the girl let out an obviously nervous chuckle.

"Yes, I can see that you didn't expect to see me here," Woojin went to Y/n and helped her up, "are you fine?" Y/n nodded.

"Liar." Woojin jokingly whispered to her.

Now, he faced the girl who bullied Y/n.

He pointed at the CCTV, "see that thing up there. You know what I mean." The girl gasped and pleaded Woojin not to show it to the P. O. D but he just shook his head.

"I hope I never see you here again after what you just did to our girlfriend." Woojin said.

By the time he finished talking, they heard footsteps coming from the 10 boys whom Woojin just called.

"Go Areum. You again. I really love your name, you know." Minhyun said as they walked towards them.

"Thank you..." The girl replied.

"Don't be. It's just your name that I love." Minhyun.

"After this, I will make sure that next month, you'll be officially expelled from this school." Sungwoon said as he coldly looked at the girl.

"We will also request a public apology coming from you as you have physically and emotionally hurt a schoolmate of yours and a dear girlfriend of ours." Jisung added too.

"Now, leave if you don't want more words from us." Daehwi said and smiled sweetly.

The girl who bullied Y/n ran away fastly with her minions following her.

After that, Y/n spent her whole afternoon in the clinic with the boys. She really didn't want to go to the clinic but the boys insisted so there they are.

They talked about doing a school project where preventing bullying will be the main priority.

How much more lucky can Y/n be? Having boys who would never hurt and will always be with you in your sorrow and in your happiness is one of the best things we could ever hope for.

Having Wanna One to exist is just enough to make us happy and content but being near and being taken care of by Wanna One, which is Y/n's case, is a dream that could never come true for me...

Thank you for making me feel like the most special human being in the world...

To Wanna One:

You always say that you'll be nothing without me but no... It's the opposite. I'll be Nothing Without You if our paths never crossed. I don't think I'll be this happy and be this thankful if you didn't exist. I hope you'll stay forever with me as I'll try to stay forever with you.

Thank you and I love you...

/  i' m so sorry for the boring chapters I hope you would still continue on reading! Thank you❤️☺️

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