SIX 여섯

330 19 2

As I stared at the peaceful street where I met one of the best people, I felt drops of rain pour slowly.

I looked up and smiled as I remembered how I immediately rushed to the tiny corner before.

Now, that tiny corner was gone but there was a shop instead. It was just an open shop with no doors. I took a step in and looked outside, waiting for the rain to stop.

Wait, I have an umbrella, right?

Wow, how stupid of you to forget, Y/n.

I was about to pull my folding umbrella out of my bag when I heard footsteps, it wasn't just from one, it was from 11 guys who were covering themselves with their coat!

"Y/n! Where have you been? We went to your house after our broadcast but you weren't there so we strolled around just to be caught by the rain." Jihoon frowned.

"But the rain led us here- led us to you. So we are still thankful." Daniel smiled.

"May I ask why did you really have to find me immediately after your broadcast? You should've took a rest and just messaged me in the group chat, you know." I gave them a look. I'm just worried that they're gonna get a cold! What if they have a very very important schedule but because of finding me, they couldn't attend?

"We wouldn't want to miss your reaction, of course!" Seongwoo said and winked at me.

I felt curious about what he was referring to. I was about to ask when my phone rang.

"Excuse me for a moment." I smiled at them and turned around.

"Hello?" I greeted the caller.

"Baby, I'm here at your house... I dropped by to give you the food and the napkin you requested. Should I just leave this here?"

"Oh! Yeah, right. I forgot about that. I actually bought already bcs mom asked me to buy something earlier but wait! Don't leave. I'm on my way home now."

"Alright. I'll wait for you."

"Thank you, babe!" I hung up and turned around just to see their dropped jaws.

I gave them a sorry look. Sorry because they don't know who's the man I called babe and sorry because I have to leave already after they just found me.

"Boys, I have to go home now. Someone is waiting at home." I smiled sadly at them before opening my umbrella.

"No, noona. Wait!" Guanlin held my hand.

"Who's waiting at home?" He asked.

I saw the other boys' head sprung from Guanlin's back.

"Remember the guy who courted me since college?" I winked at him and he looked so confused.

"Who?" I heard someone ask but then I started walking already and unconsciously, they were walking with me with their coats on top of their heads.

He's Woosik. The guy who made me feel so safe next to Wanna One and my family. He's a good man who loves his family so much. Not to forget, he's a handsome masculine with some good manners.

They looked like they were so deep in their thoughts, thinking about a very serious issue.

On the way home, we were just so silent.

"Y/n! Woosik is waiting inside for you." I kissed dad's cheeks before answering yes.

"Boys, can you go straight up to the room immediately for now if you want to come in?" I asked them in which they looked like they didn't like the idea but still, they did it.

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