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It's only been months since I have graduated college and it's almost a year already since the boys debuted and here they are, unable to approach me due to the many people encircling the group.

They were named Wanna One. Like how I and they wanted it to be. They chose their fandom name to be Wannable. I love it and I'm proud to be one of them.

And even though they're international artists now, they never forget to find time for us to bond even despite their busy schedules too.

Many people also gave a disappointed look as they saw the 11 boys.

And finally, they got to me, I clearly saw how much exhausted their faces are.

The makeup covered their eyebags, non-existent wrinkles and any non-existent flaws in their faces but their eyes clearly looked tired yet they still looked like some Greek Gods dressed in formal suits.

"Y/n! OMG it's been liek just weeks since we saw each other but you're starting to look like a fine lady now!?" Jihoon said like a girl in which we all laughed at and gave me his gift. I peeked in and felt my cheeks went red.

"What? It's a b-box-xer." I said with wide eyes and didn't even move a little.

"You're of legal age now! You need that just in case you learn to let boys into your condo--" Jihoon wasn't able to finish.

"In which we do not allow." Daniel said and pulled me close to him.

Kang Daniel! Istg I'm throwing myself out in the sewer!

"Hey, hey, hey! Not that close, boi." Minhyun pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me.

We laughed as we grilled beef and lamb skewers as they shared their experiences as idols.

They looked so out of place in their formal suits while we were eating.

"To tell you frankly, it's so tiring to be a handsome idol but knowing that we have people who will never get tired of supporting and loving us, all the tiredness I feel goes away." Guanlin said in which the other boys agreed with.

Everyone already had some shots and we're starting to be completely honest now.

A long silence stretched till Sungwoon spoke.

"Thank you, Y/n." Sungwoon said and fed me some beef.

"Thank you for staying by our side, trusting and still believing us despite the odds going against us." Tears streamed down his eyes and I saw the others tear up too.

Good thing we rented a room so there's only us here.

They probably feel so stressed, pressured, and completely tired from all their issues.

There were scandals revolving around the group. They attended so many press conferences talking about issues and the scandal.

They were forced to say sorry for something that they didn't do. They were scolded for something that was issued to them though they didn't even cause it to happen.

They cried silently and even I, cried too.

Watching the guys who always stayed strong across any storm, crying in front of me made me feel like my heart was being crushed.

How could the world go against these guys who just dreamed and hoped a hopeless dream?

They looked so frustrated. The others were sobbing while caressing their foreheads like having a headache and the others just stared blankly but tears still flowed down their cheeks, unstoppable.

I hated the scene in front of me so I started to say lame jokes again and successfully, their tears stopped but sadness, frustration and exhaustion was still written on their faces.

That night, we played some crazy parlor games and like how I hoped it to be, we had fun and they even looked like they had no problems at all when in fact, they have countless of them.

I was about to go out of their van when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me from leaving the van.

"Noona," Daehwi said and that made me smile, he called me noona aksiwjfjsj "promise us that you'll stay by our side no matter what... You're our only girl friend who we trust so much. Can you please stay by my side?... By our side?"

I looked at the dark sky and counted the 12 floating stars up there before answering him.

I sticked out my pinky finger and," I promise to stay by your side and I will never hesitate to believe and trust you in all that you do and say."

He intertwined his pinky on mine and we smiled at each other before I finally went out of the van and waved them goodbye.

I looked at the dark sky again and counted the stars. 12 shining stars. There was one star that looked like it was shining the most but why did it look like it was drifting away?

To Wanna One:

No matter what happens, I Promise You that I will never forget all the times we made together. The worst ones and the best ones. No matter how it went and what it was, I will never forget it and I will never forget you. My love for all of you will stay unchanged like the mountains that never moved ever since the beginning of time.

Thank you and I love you.

/ i suddenly started writing an individual pov so i just continued it and there you go. I hope you like it:)

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