Who's he? (1)

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As you sat all the way at the back of the class (where no one was sitting), you played around with your pen, trying to pay attention in history class.

You were at the back of the class all alone because of your wings. You didn't have just any wings, they were fire wings, you were sitting there because you accidentally hurt, burn a lot of people just cause of those wings.

Class continued and you noticed the door opening.

"Ah! You must be the new student!" The professor said, looking into the door. The boy nodded and walked into class. 

You didn't think anything of it until you noticed the boys metallic wings. You straightened your back and was looking at him for the longest time.

"Oh.. metal wings.. sit over there Y/N.. but farther away from each other so you dont hurt each other." The professor said. 

You rolled your eyes and watched the new boy walk up the steps to you. He only sat 3 chairs away.

He got all of his things ready for the class, as he did you stared at him, not even knowing about it.

He looked at you with a sad expression on his face and you looked away. As soon as he did too, you noticed at he dropped his pen.

You leaned closer to him. "You dropped your pen" you whispered, he looked at you and then at the pen on the floor. "Shit." He whispered and grabbed the pen. You giggled and looked away, you heard him chuckle and that made you smile.

As soon as the professor dismissed the class, you were the first one out of there. 

You walked down the hall, everybody moving away from so they wouldn't get burned, you explained to them many times that your wings only burn when your feeling an extreme emotion. They still wouldn't listen.

School was over, you were going to your dorm, in which you lived alone. 

You opened the door and you looked back and noticed a professor with the new boy.

"Miss. L/N, you will be Warren's guide, the school also made an exception and you too will live together!" The professor said, too enthusiastic.

You looked at the floor, closed your eyes for a second, opened them, looked at the professor and nodded. 

The professor left and you were alone with Warren.

You both walked into the dorm room, closing the door behind Warren.

"Why do you live alone?" Warren asked, the softest voice you ever heard.

"You see, when i get too excited, too angry, too sad.. and i have to say it.. when i get araused.." you sighed and Warren raised his eyebrows, he kept listening as he unpacked. "My wings get crazy on me, start random fires when i walk past something, hurt people and blah blah. People don't want to stay with me because they're afraid I'll sent their diaries on fire or something." You finished talking and sat on your bed.

"So instead, you'll set my stuff on fire, nice" Warren said and you smiled. 

For the rest of the day you haven't spoken to each other.

A part of you hoped it wouldn't stay like that.



Thanks for reading! I'm really proud of this one and hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment if you'd like! Also ik it's short, it'll be longer (the chapters)

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