Picture perfect pt2 (9)

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You both went on your separate ways so it doesn't look suspicious. Suddenly a big gust of wind hit your face and Peter appeared. "Where did you go!" Peter asked. "In my dorm, what are you talking about?" You simple said. "With Warren, huh?" He said. "No!" You rolled your eyes. "Because, he only just NOW came into his dorm." Peter sassed. "I don't POSSIBLY know what your talking about Peter!" You said in a mocking tone. "Fine, be like that." Peter ran off. You decided to go back to the bunker. "WHERE DID HE GO AGAIN!?" You heard Peter scream. You opened the door and saw Warren.

"Hey, you really need to make up your mind. If we were still gonna meet up here we could have stayed." He said. "Yeah, yeah.." You walked over to him. Your back started to sting as the cold wall put pressure on it. "Warren? Is there something on my back?" You asked. You took of your shirt. You turned around. He traced a scratch on your back that was pretty big. He walked away, you turned around putting your T-shirt back on and walking over to him. "What?" You asked, he looked away from you. "I hurt you." His voice was low and stern. "It's fine Warren. It doesn't hurt that much, really." You said, walking to him. Touching his shoulder. He moved away. "I always have to hurt people, don't I?" He said. "Whether it's on purpose or an accident.." He continued. 

He finally sat down, leaning against the wall. You sat down next to him, he kept looking away from you because he was ashamed. "Warren, i'm fine. I swear." You said, grabbing his chin and readjusting his face to face you. "Promise?" He said, his voice getting softer. "Promise." You smiled and hugged him. 

He was very soft on the inside. One simple move and you could break him.

You pulled away and placed your head on his shoulder, he placed his head on yours. You soon fell asleep.

-20 minutes later-

"Rise and shine." Warren said as you woke up. You noticed you were laying on him. How did you even end up like that? "I didn't want to wake you up." Warren said. You blushed. "Your blushing like crazy." He said, chuckling. You got off of him. "No i'm not! Your seeing things you want to see." You said, probably blushing more. "Calm down." Warren said, getting up. 

"I was thinking if we should tell our friends about this place and we can ALL hang out." You said, changing the subject. "What happened to: This will be our bunker for ever! and for generations to come!" Warren said in a high pitched voice, mocking my voice. "Oh haha." You said, crossing your arms.

An hour passed and you were both in your own dorms. You just couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't mean to you. Well, any girl would know/think that he would have feelings for you. But, you saw no sings of that. He was just being nice.. right?


This chapter is trassssssssh.

edit: had to re-upload both parts of picture perfect

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