Tell me. (6)

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You placed your head on Warren's chest. Yet again, his heartbeat was soothing to you. You all were still at the river. "Y/n, I'm gonna have to do the check up sooner or later." He spoke softly. You lifted your head and sighed silently. "Fine, go." You said and without a word, he flew away.

You laid still, looking at the stars that were twinkling in the sky. You closed your eyes and next thing you knew, Warren woke you up. "Come on, we can go back." He said, you were sleepy and too tired to speak. You just nodded. He picked you up and flew to the school. Peter and Kurt took Jean and Scott to the school. You arrived at the school, Warren entered (still carrying you). He walked to the lounge area and placed you on the couch. Warren, Jean, Scott and Professor X, had a little in the lounge area meeting.

(Warren's. POV)

"She just freaked out." I said to professor X. "Seems she had a panic attack." He said. "She clearly doesn't want any telepaths in her head." Xavier added. I made the 'you expect me to know why? How about you tell me' face. "She's trying to forgot her past. She's afraid that a telepath will remind her." Xavier said, answering my question. "But why now?" Scott asked. The professor just shrugged. 

I couldn't actually believe it. Are these people dumbasses? 

"Are you actually serious? She's freaking out because a similar event happened when she enrolled, which - if I remember correctly, was traumatizing for her and she wants to forget it! Think people." I said and rolled my eyes in disbelief. "That's probably correct, Warren.." Xavier said. "No, I know it is." I mumbled. "She's going to most likely avoid Jean and I. I also think it's best if we stay out of her head for a while. "No kidding, genius." I mumbled again. Scott probably heard me and chuckled at every comment I had. "Which is going to be tough. How will we know how she's feeling?" Jean asked, looking at all of us.

Wow. Just wow.

"There are other ways to know how she's feeling, y'know? Like, asking her." I said, putting my hand on my waist. Expressing my sassy-ness that I have inside me, right now. "For the first time, I agree with new boy." Scott said from the back. "Yeah." I said.

The meeting was over. Jean and Scott and walked to their dorm.

"Professor. What can you tell me about Y/n past?" I asked Xavier. He smiled. "Nothing. It's really not my place to tell you HER past. But, what I can say is that.. Y/n came to this school on her own. After her wings started to grow and she couldn't control her powers yet. She set her own house on Fire and killed her family. She tried saving them, soon enough, she gave up and ran to safety. Few days later she stumbled upon this school. She didn't hesitate and enrolled right away. This happened just a year ago. The case of the L/n murder was ruled out as in accident." Xavier said. 

I looked at the floor. "Take her to bed" He said. I picked up Y/n and started to walk to her dorm. Technically, he did tell me her past. Oh well. 

She snuggled her face on to my chest. I opened her door and carefully placed her on her bed. I walked out, closing the door behind me and saw Xavier. "Warren, your gonna have to open your mind sooner or later." Xavier looked at me with a serious look. "No, I don't have to. I'm perfectly fine with no one knowing me or my past." I said and started to slowly walk to my dorm. "Even Y/n?" He said. I stopped and thought about it. "Yes."  I said firmly and started to walk to my dorm again. "Your making a bad decision, Warren! You need to let at least one person in." Xavier said, slowly moving his wheelchair to me. "That's for me to decide." I opened the door and walked in.

(Y/n POV) -Morning time-

You woke up stiff. Probably from laying on the hard ground. It's been a long night. You kept tossing and turning. It took a while for you to fall asleep.

You looked at your phone, it was Saturday. You sighed. You laid in bed for a while looking at the white ceiling.

"I should get up." You told yourself.

Still in pajamas, which were no sweat pants and a white Tshirt. More like pink shorts with cupcakes and a pink Tshirt saying 'Too tired for this.' You walked to the kitchen and saw Warren in his pajamas. Which were no shirt and sweatpants. Easy for him.

"Morning" you said to Warren. No response. You smiled. "What are you smiling at?" He said. "Nothing." You said and turned on the stove. You noticed he took off the gauze and was completely healed. "How did they heal so fast?" You asked, not looking back at him. "I have fast healing... They healed as soon as I started to fall asleep, probably." He said and kept eating his cereal. "Why'd you leave them on?" You asked. "Didn't want to burst your bubble."  He said and you just nod in understanding.

He finished his breakfast, put it in the sink and left. "Bye!" You kinda said in a mocking tone. "Fuck off, L/n." He said. "Whoa, rude boy!" You said, kinda hurt.

(Warren's POV) -few hours after breakfast-

I sat on the ground, outside. The more I thought about, the more I wanted to know about Y/n past.. and her in general.

I saw Y/n walking to me. Still in her pajamas. She then sat down next to me. She sighed, like she was trying to find the words to say. 

Maybe we do have a lot in common, we just need to talk. But, hard with my trust issues.

She cleared her throat, she then started to speak.

"Why did you.. hurt yourself and drink.. and also. Why Move dorms?" She finally got herself to speak. "Wouldn't you like to know?"  I said, noticing how I sound like a douche. She nodded innocently. "I'm not even going to start off by 'do you even know what it's like'. The cause behind the arms .. well, I like the pain. It reminds me that I've been through worse and that I can handle it. The drinking well.. everybody who drinks often has problems and wants to forget them for one night. Moving out.." I paused to think about it. Y/n was looking into my eyes. She seemed interested. "I thought it would be for the best. Plus, we would start to get annoyed with each other. Also thought it would save a lot of our energy." I finished, Y/n's face expression turned confused. "We would have fought a lot." I kinda smirked. "Thanks for telling me. I guess." Y/n smiled. "What would you like to know about me?" She said out of no where. It kinda surprised me. "If you want to know me, your gonna have to tell me about you. You know that right?" She giggled. I smiled and stayed silent for a moment. "Nothing.." I lied. "Alright" She got up and patted my shoulder. She walked away. 

All I could see was her pink cupcake shorts and a pink tshirt. Have to admit, those were cute on her.



Finally a chapter, whooo.

I'm going to be posting a chapter every other day, so keep a look out! 

Also, should I make a Ben Hardy fanfiction when I'm done with this one? 

Also! Thanks for 70 reads!

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