It's all fun and games.. (11)

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-The next day-

Jean knocked on your door and slowly opened the it, walking in. "Wanna hang out? At the lake, maybe?" She said, walking over to you. You thought about if you should tell her about the hide out, but decided it would be best to keep it a secret. "Sure!" You said, Jean smiled. "Great! Meet you at the lake in 15." She said, walking out of my room.

You sighed. You took off your PJ's, put on your light blue swimsuit and over it a Tshirt and shorts. You packed a small backpack with the essentials: Sunscreen, sunglasses ect ect.

About 10 minutes passed and you decided to head out already. 

You walked out of the school and started going to the lake which wasn't that far.

"You made it." You heard Scott yelled from the lake. "Of course i did!" You yelled back, reaching into your backpack for sunglasses. Before putting them on, you looked around. Pretty much everyone in your friend group was there, all of them in the lake, except for Warren. He was sitting by the shore of the lake, picking at the grass. You walked over to him, placing your backpack down first, then sitting down next to him.

"What brings you here." You asked him, he just shrugged. He was clearly in a bad mood. "Wanna go into the lake?" You asked, he shook his head as in no. "Alright." You both sat there in silence, you were willing to spend the whole day on land if it was necessary. Warren started pulling bits of the grass out, so you did too. You started building a little grass house, Warren then added some details with the bits he pulled out. "You can go in." Warren said, looking at your amazing house. "It's fine." You said and started building a fence and Warren helped you too.

You looked over to the lake and saw Jean and Ororo talking, looking over at you both at times. Warren stood up. "Let's go." He said, gesturing his head towards the lake. "It's fine, seriously." You said, looking up at him. He took off his shirt and picked you up. Your heart dropped from the shock of going in the air so fast but you were fine after. "Warren! Don't jump. I still have clothes on! Warre-" You said, but too late. Warren had already jumped into the lake with you. Everyone was looking at the both of you. "Warren!" You yelled, realizing you were pretty close to each other so you swam away just a little. He shrugged playfully. You rolled your eyes and in the lake, took off your clothes and threw them on to land. You started swimming away but Warren splashed you to get your attention. You turned around.

"You ok?" He said, he must have seen the scar on your back again. "I'm fine." You smiled and swam to him again. It was safe to say, you pretty much spent the day with Warren on the other side of the lake.

Jean showed up behind you. Turning you around. "What happened to your back?" She asked. You looked back at Warren and back at Jean. "It's fine.. Warren just scratched me a little." You said and Jean looked at Warren in anger. She grabbed your wrist and started swimming away from Warren. "Stop!" You wiggled your way out of her grasp. "I don't want him to hurt you again." Jean said. "It was an accident." Warren then said, but she ignored him. "It was just an accident!" You said again since she ignored Warren. "But one day it won't be." 

You looked back at Warren, his eyes looked like he was about to kill somebody. Warren spread his wings and flew on to land. You quickly swam out. You grabbed his shoulders, making him stop. "It was seriously an accident." Warren said. "I know it was." You said, looking him into his eyes. He was still angry, no matter how you soothed him. He was throwing his arms around and you shifted at times so he wouldn't hit you on accident. You grabbed his hands. "Calm down, Warren. It's fine, i'm here for you." You said. He scoffed. "How many times i've heard that." He said and flew away. You covered your eyes because of the wind that was caused by his giant wings.


Yayyyyyyyyyyyy, thanks for 270+ reads!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy and thanks for the support, xox

edit: thank you for 500+ reads!! EEE! I'm so grateful for all of you!

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