Snap. (2)

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All day you were in your dorm with Warren, both doing your own business.

You were on your phone, laying in bed and you looked over at the clock. "11 pm" it read. After a few minutes, you closed the curtains and turned off your lamp. "Goodnight Warren" you said. "Night" Warren said and you fell asleep.

*Que morning music*

You slowly woke up, the sun shining through the curtains, making the room so bright. You rubbed your eyes and groaned. You layed in bed for a few seconds to wake yourself up, you kicked the blanket off and sat up. You looked over at Warren's bed and noticed he's not there. "He must be at class.." you say out loud.

You opened the curtains and the sun shined bright, you put your hand in front of your eyes.

You got ready for the day, as you walked out you saw that none of Warrens belongings were there. "Weird" you thought and opened the door.

You saw Raven, standing in front of your door, with her arms crossed.  This meant trouble.. 

"I heard a boy slept over" She said, popping her head into the room. "Raven, he's my roommate! One of the professors said the school made an exception." You defended yourself. "Which professor?" She said impatiently. " I think Magma.. it doesn't matter! He moved out anyway." You explained.

(Warren's P.O.V)

I walked passed the dorm rooms and saw Y/N talking to Raven. 

"It doesn't matter! He moved out anyway!" I heard Y/n shout. 

I looked at the dirty hallway floors and walked passed, hoping she.. - they, won't notice me.

(Y/N P.O.V)

Me and Raven kept talking, which slowly became fighting.

You noticed a boy walking pass you, he was looking at the floor, he had blond curles and...


It was Warren. You wanted to scream his name out so he would get involved but, he looked sad.. you didn't want him to carry a burden on his shoulder.

Your conversation with Raven was over, you looked at your schedule. "History" you said.

You walked into history and went to your seat, Warren was already there. Same seat as last time.

You wanted to speak with him about moving out or.. where his stuff went, but you kept your mouth shut.

Half way in class, Warren was bitting his pen, it cracked and his bottom lip busted. 

You nor Warren noticed until he licked his lips a little. He put his index finger on his lip, looked at it and saw it was bleeding. He raised his hand.

"Yes, Warren?" The professor asked. "Professor, can I go to the bathroom?" He asked. The professor nodded. "Y/N go with him to show him the bathrooms" The professor added. You nodded and walked out of the class with Warren.

You walked into the bathroom with him.

"What the -" Warren said, but you jumped in. "Shush!" You said and you grabbed toilet paper. You grabbed his hands and sat on the sink. "Open your mouth slightly" you said, he did and you gently pressed the toilet paper on his lip.

"You know I can do this, right?" Warren mumbled. "I know, just wanted to help out." You said and he looked at you.

It's like something snapped inside of him. His expression changed, to angry.

Warren grabbed your wrists and threw them away. " I CAN do this alone! I don't need your help!" Warren yelled. "I just wanted to help.." you said as your hands were shaking. You were scared of him. He raised his eyebrow and gave the 'death' stare.

"Why did you move?" You said, trying not to cry. He chuckled in that douche way.

"First: I didn't want my stuff to set on fire. Second: I don't want people to think that I'm here one day and already having sex." Warren exclaimed, he opened his mouth to continue. "What.." you said softly. He started to speak, you put your hand in front of him slightly.

"Stop." You said.

Class was over by the time you finished fighting.

You felt angry and sad.. when you have mixed emotions.. that's when the wings are the most dangerous.

"What happened? You seemed so nice on your first day." You added.

He chuckled again. " That's called making a good impression. Now I can care less about what everybody thinks, couldn't. care" Warren said.

Your wings started to glow, flames started coming from your wings.

"Rott in hell, Warren!" You yelled. "Already rotting!" He yelled back as you ran out of the boys bathroom.

This may be a stupid and pointless fight, but it felt like the biggest fight to you.

Jean and Scott saw you running away, Jean ran after you while Scott went to talk to Warren.

Your wings were so hot, it began to burn your back too. You ran outside and kept running and running. 

As the chatter of kids, footsteps, lockers opening and closing faded behind you, the ground began to set fire as you sat down.

"Y/n! Stand up! The ground is on fire." Jean yelled, the snaps ans crackling nof the fire around you began to be louder. The students ran out of the school, including Warren and Scott.

"No! Let it burn for once!!" It's only around me, it cant hurt anybody" I yelled back. "Y/n, please come out!" Jean yelled back.

At this point it was a yelling game.

You heard another voice. "Come out!  It's gonna be alright." You looked at the other person. "Professor Xavier.." you said.

Before anything, you felt a gust of wind above you, you look up and it was Warren. His wings were so strong that it put out the fire. "What do you want, Devil face?!" I said. "So we're starting with nicknames? Aright Fire blade."

You became angrier, the fire circle grew bigger.

Warren grabbed your waist and flew to Xavier. Warren groaned in pain as you burned his hand.

He put you down, McCoy came out of the school and took over. He brought you to your isolation room.. which sounds horrible, but you liked it.

You would sometimes stay there to cool off.

(Warren P.O.V) 

"Where is he taking her?" I asked as peter brang in the first aid kit. Xavier poured water onto the burn, put cream for burns on my hand and wrapped it with a steril gauze. 

"Her isolation room or as some people call it the  'cool off room'. She once was there for 2 days. It helps her cool off and then she's released." Jean said, feeling so bad for Y/n.

"How long do you think she's gonna be there now?" I asked. Jean shrugged "a few days for sure." She said.

Maybe I did mess this one up.

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