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a/n: this chapter won't be focused so much on junhui, more on minghao. enjoy, i guess.

WARNING: there will be some sensitive topics discussed throughout this book, just warning you now. 


minghao's large group of friends had informed him that "some unpopular kid" (later on finding out it was junhui) had helped minghao up after he had passed out in the hallway. none of his friends were that close to minghao, and he didn't exactly trust them that much, but junhui seemed like a genuinely good person, and cute too, minghao had to admit. 


 none of my friends new the real reason i was passing out so frequently. i said it was the same thing each time. dehydration. easy fix, right? just drink more water. but what nobody knew, was that it wasn't actually dehydration. to be honest, if my "friends" really cared about me, and not popularity, they probably would've figured out by now. if i told them, they might suddenly turn against me and then blackmail me. i don't need other people getting involved in my life. you don't choose to be popular, or at least, i definitely didn't.  

i am DEFINITELY not egotistic, but according to others, i just happened to be born with good looks. many people would do anything to be popular, but it's really not all that great. everything you do will eventually get around to half, maybe more, of the whole school. one reason why i'm not dating anyone. another reason... im gay. so you could imagine how that would go. i mean, imagine a teacher finding that out. especially here in korea, that would be horrible  

so, wen junhui. i'm so grateful for him helping me. i never knew who did it until my friends told me.  i think he was a bit intimidated by me, considering all the rumors going around about how i was rude and stuff. pretty much all kids that are popular have those kinds of things said about them. but if you really took the time to get to know me, you would find that that's not true. it's just, a lot of people don't care about that. i think i'll talk to junhui more.

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