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i'm such a burden on junhui, and i know it. i can tell that he's probably getting sick of dealing with me and my panic attacks, which i get a little too often. it's unfortunate, but i can't stop. i don't know what to do. but last week, something happened that i don't think i'll ever forget. 


"minghao, you're perfect. i swear," junhui said, holding the shaking boy in his arms. minghao was sweating and breathing heavily. junhui had gone right to minghao's house after school. his parents didn't pay much attention to him, and that annoyed junhui. how could something like this go right over their heads? they didn't even take notice his eating patterns or how his body looked like. must be why he's so close with the school nurse, junhui thought. "your face is so pale. at least drink something. i'll be right back." junhui hesitantly let go of minghao. junhui goes out to the kitchen, trying to avoid eye contact with his parents. "junhui?" he flinches. his dad was now speaking to him. "yes?" he tried to sound as polite as he could. "are you dating my son?" his dad asked sternly. junhui was more than agitated now. he was furious. "do you even realize what minghao is going through? no. you don't, because you don't even care enough to have a conversation with him and pay attention to his feelings. and the only thing you care about is if him and his friend are in a homosexual relationship? wow." junhui storms off with minghao's drink. well, he attempted to. mr. xu grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt, pulling him back and causing the hot drink to spill on him, junhui hissing at the pain. "who the hell do you think you are talking to? is this the way you act towards all elders? go home. and don't fucking think about touching my son like that. disgusting. you know you're disgusting right?" junhui couldn't bear to hear anymore of this. with all of his strength, junhui got out of mr. xu's grip. he sprinted back to minghao's room before mr. xu could say anything else. minghao was crying and shaking even worse than before. "i'm so sorry."


yes, i heard everything. i heard my dad's loud yells and i heard junhui fighting back. i continued to sob until junhui came back upstairs. he looked really panicked. "you need to stay with me for a while," he said, breathing heavily. "trust me, my parents would be willing to let you stay." i felt another tear slowly roll down my cheek. "b-but my p-parents, t-they'd b-be mad.." i said. "minghao. you can't be here with your dad. at least let him calm down a bit. we're not even in a relationship anyways, so it's not like we'd be lying about anything." although i knew that we were never in a relationship, my stomach still sank. "o-okay." junhui smiled at me. "good. let's go now.. you can wear my clothes or something." "they'll be big on me though..." "that's okay." i was secretly excited to wear junhui's oversized hoodies which would surely give me sweater paws. 


minghao had been staying with me for about a week now. i couldn't help but notice how cute he was all the time. he always loved wearing my hoodies, which was adorable. but i also noticed something else, which i think i'd rather forget. minghao had bruises on him. i didn't want to say anything to him about it, figuring he already had enough on his plate right now, but i couldn't stop thinking about it. who would've thought that the most popular boy in the school was going through all this. 


a/n: sorry for not updating for 4 days, i was enjoying my little break. hope y'all had a good thanksgiving and i'm guessing some days off too. here's an extra long chapter, a lot of which i actually wrote in science class 😂:))

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