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minghao got a phone call while he was at lunch. "i'll be right back." he looked a little panicked. actually, he looked terrified. but he smiled anyways. he was good at doing that. hiding his emotions. thankfully, junhui could notice when he was and would ask him about it. about 10 minutes later, minghao comes back. he looked blank. empty. "are you okay?" junhui asks worringly. "my dad... he's.... he's.. he called me.. my m-mom was there too," his voice was very shaky. junhui squeezed his hand. "it's okay, calm down," he said, rubbing circles on his palm with his thumb. minghao breathed in and out slowly until he felt slightly calmer again. "okay. s-so, my mom and my dad called me telling me that they wanted me b-back, but i can't go back junhui!! my dad.. he'll h-hurt me, a-and i want t-to stay with you. i w-want to wear your h-hoodies.. a-and cuddle with you." he stuttered over his words more and more as his breathing hitched. "what did you say to them?" junhui absolutely could not let him go back to that house. he already saw the bruises. he saw how scared minghao got just at the mention of his own father. "i said no, and hung up. but i'm so scared, junhui. thankfully i don't think they know where your house is, but all my clothes are there at my house! and a lot of personal belongings too, like my.. my kermit that my mom gave me when i was young. my mom isnt even the problem. she's nice, but she just.. doesn't really talk to me anymore. i think she's starting to go on my dad's side now. but i can try calling her," minghao rambled on and on. "how are you going to get your mom to give you all your things? she doesn't even want you to be with me." minghao pouted and hunched over, looking sadder than ever. 


junhui had convinced minghao to stay at his house  while he went out to get something. he didn't know why, but he stayed anyways. 

"i got you something," junhui said, with a hint of almost a teasing tone in his voice. minghao perked up instantly. he loved recieving gifts. junhui hands minghao the bag, hoping he'd like it. he digs inside the bag, tears immediately form in minghao's eyes. "junnie, i-i love it." 

minghao hugs his new kermit plushie. sometimes, he still felt like a kid on the inside. 


a/n: it's much easier to write angst when you're sad.

but we love those uwus at the end yknow (btw i'm not making him a little lol. the kermit is just for memories, like minghao talking about his kermit he got from his mom :))

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