{2} Shitty Girl

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Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 16

Gender: F

Class: Hero Course, 1-A

Family History: Father- Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Mother-Unknown, Siblings-None

Quirk: Telekinesis ...Y/n is capable of moving absurdly large objects with her mind by moving her hands in the direction where she wants it to go. However if this quirk is used too long or on an object too large she gets an intense migraine and faints.

          My eyes widened as the spikey haired boy lifted me up, and out of my peripheral vision I saw Shoto glare at him. "Oi! Idiot can you stand?!" The boy yells, causing me to wince. I nod slightly, and he helps me up. As he lets go of me I immediately fall back down and he catches me once more. "Young Bakugou. Please take young L/N to Recovery girl." All Mights voice booms. He lets out a small "Hmph." And picks me up. 'Bakugou huh...? Cute name..' I think, unable to speak. "For someone with a quirk that special you don't seem to handle it well." He states roughly. "Fucking idiot.." He trails off. I don't respond, barely conscious.

I lean my head closer to his chest and snuggle into him, his body being nice and warm. I looked up at Bakugou one more time and noticed him also staring down at me, a light pink tint staining his cheeks. As we make eye contact he immediately turns away, looking ahead.

       Bakugou set me down ever so gently on the cot in the nurses room. Recovery Girl shoos him out of the room, and he seemingly reluctantly leaves, but not before muttering "Get well soon, dumbass.." As he leaves Recovery Girl shuts the door and sighs. "Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you to stop overdoing it!" She complains, slapping the back of my head. Recovery Girl, or Chiyo Shuzenji, was truly like a caring grandmother to me. When Toshinori was left a single father, due to my mothers sudden disappearance, Chiyo took up the responsibility of being the motherly figure in my life. In fact most of U.A. staff, having mainly been consisting of people Toshinori knew since he was in U.A. as a student, became my family. Everyone would take care of me here and treated me as if I was their own daughter, mainly because Toshinori knew little to nothing on how to raise a child and was constantly busy with hero work, but everyone in U.A.'s staff took on that responsibility and they all raised me in their own unorthodox way.

     I'd remember having sleep overs at Aizawas or Hizashi's houses on days my father was out late, or having Chiyo or Nezu pick me up from elementary when my father couldn't. In fact...Most of my memories were of these pro heros. And few of them were of my father. My birthdays were celebrated in U.A. teacher lounges and everyone would be there except him. I don't blame my father. I could never blame him for being a hero...saving people daily...and being number one.

But I could blame him for choosing Midoriya over me.

   Another slap on the back of my head snapped me out of my trance. "Are you even listening?! Oh when I tell Toshinori about this you'll be in big trouble!" She rants. "He knows... Father was todays hero course teacher. He saw me over do it and he's the one that told Bakugou to take me to you." I whisper. "When I get my hands around that thick neck I'm going to make him regret it-" Chiyo rambles under her breath, continuing as she heals me.


The hero course was over as I returned, and I entered the empty classroom. Figuring everyone went home already I began to pack my things. As I do so the classroom door slides open. I turn around slowly, expecting my father but seeing the familiar face of the angry, ash-blonde boy. "Oi, stupid." He starts. I turn around and continue to pack my bag, ignoring his insult, which seemingly frustrated him. "I said OI, STUPID." He says louder, walking over to me. "Yes, Bakugou?" I ask softly, not intimidated in the slightest. He raises his eyebrow and walks to the desk in front of me and slams his hand on it.

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