{5} Heroic

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Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 16

Gender: F

Class: Hero Course, 1-A

Family History: Father- Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Mother-Unknown, Siblings-None

Quirk: Telekinesis ...Y/n is capable of moving absurdly large objects with her mind by moving her hands in the direction where she wants it to go. However if this quirk is used too long or on an object too large she gets an intense migraine and faints.


The remainder of the day was peaceful. I told Toshinori about me meeting Katsuki later today and he was surprisingly fine with it. An hour before Katsuki was to arrive I showered, brushed my hair, got into a cute yellow sundress and put on a little makeup. I got a small bag, tucked my English journal inside and waited on my bed for the ash-blondes arrival.

     Right on time my phone lit up with a notification from Katsuki. I hopped out of bed and ran downstairs, Toshinori greeted me at the door. "Be safe.." "Yes, Tosh-...Dad..." "Don't do anything illegal.." "Yes dad." "Don't have se-.." "Okay-Enough! I have to go! bye!" I yell, cutting him off and running outside to meet Katsuki who was waiting impatiently in the driveway. I ran up to him and hugged him from behind, squeezing him tight. "Someone cleans up well." I tease, slowly pulling away.

He looked nice, wearing a button up shirt and his pants were actually around his waist instead of sagging around his thighs. He turned to face me and immediately lit up, cheeks bright red. "Y-you-uh...Hey what the fuck is that supposed to mean I'm always clean." He grumbles, crossing his arms. "I meant you look especially nice today for our date." I say with a big smile on my lips. "Oh-we have to stop by Kiri's place. He needs my notes for english-Afterwards I'm all yours." "Kiri...shima? Why does that asshole need your notes?! The dumbass can figure it out on his own!" Katsuki yells, very visibly agitated that we were going to visit him. "Katsuki Bakugou we are going to Kirishima's house to give him the notes and you will suck it up and deal with it, understood?" I ask with my hands on my hips. He grumbles a few curses but nods his head. I smile, and slide my hand into his, "come on..it's a short walk, besides its more time to spend with each other." My fingers lace through his and his face goes bright red, looking away from me immediately so I wouldn't see him flustered.

     "Thanks for the notes, Y/n! And Bakugou-looking sharp! Real manly." Kirishima smiles, giving him a thumbs up, "I won't hold you guys any longer, have a good date-and Y/n I'll return the journal tomorrow." He waves us off and we begin to head out. "Stupid hair...I always look manly." Katsuki grumbles. During the transaction of my journal to Kirishima, I stopped holding hands with Katsuki, and completely forgot to grab it again afterwards. While we walked Katsuki started muttering under his breath. "Speak up. I can't hear you complain if you're mumbling." I chuckle. "Are you gonna hold my hand or not, idiot?!" He yells, shoving his hand out for me. "I don't knowww...it's kinda...sweaty." I tease him. "You-I-shut-" I cut him off by grabbing his hand and starting to speak loudly over him. "So! Where are we headed? You dressed up fairly well for something like an arcade date or pizzas." "What do you think I am? An idiot? Im not taking you to any low end shitty place.." He grunts. "So where-" "Will you just shut up and trust me!"

"I don't know Katsuki I really think that One Piece just has too many episodes for me to get in-....Shoto!" I perk up, leaving the previous argument behind. My hand falters in Bakugou's and I attempt to run forward to Shoto, who had just rounded a corner and landed himself a few more feet in front of us. As I run forward Bakugou pulls me back, his grip on my hand tightening. "What-" "What do you want now Icy-Hot?!" Bakugou yells, eyes narrowing at the boy, who seemed partially taken aback from running into us here.

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