{3} Not What It Looks Like

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Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 16

Gender: F

Class: Hero Course, 1-A

Family History: Father- Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Mother-Unknown, Siblings-None

Quirk: Telekinesis ...Y/n is capable of moving absurdly large objects with her mind by moving her hands in the direction where she wants it to go. However if this quirk is used too long or on an object too large she gets an intense migraine and faints.


       I exchanged numbers with the reluctant blonde boy then headed into my home. Upon entering I noticed a familiar blonde head peaking out from the couch. "Toshinori?" I ask softly, walking over to him. I received no response. I walked in front of him and noticed he was laying back against the couch, in his regular human like state, asleep. I shook his shoulder. "Tos-" "Y/N!" He wakes up with a jolt. He rubs his eyes and looks up at you, a smile forms on his features before it turns into a frown. "Where were you? I came home early to have dinner with you and you weren't here." He states, a fatherly like tone lacing his words.

A scowl forms on my lips. "You didn't text me or call me saying you'd be out. Do you know how irresponsible-" "irresponsible?" I interrupted, spitting out that word like it was poison. "I'm irresponsible? Me?" I give a half hearted laugh and shake my head. "Yes! You! You're irresponsible! I deserve to know who you're with and where you're going to disappear to! Y/N if you pull this kind of thing again you'll be in deep.."

"Toshinori-" "Y/N I am your father and you will refer to me as such." "Toshinori." I say in a harsher tone, "You are never home. When you are its to sleep or stuff your face with food before you leave to screw around with Midoriya! You have no right to ask me where I've been or lecture me about where I've been. You helped make me. Sure. But guess what? You didn't raise me. Aizawa did. Hizashi did. Nezu, Thirteen, Kayama, Cementoss, Snipe, and the rest of U.A. staff did. But you did nothing." I state, balling up my fists. "You weren't at my little league games. Aizawa was. You weren't at my FIRST birthday party. Kayama was. You. Have. No. Right. To. Call. Yourself. My. Father." I spat. He sat there, eyes wide. "You treat Midoriya like a son. And you treat me like a stranger." I whisper, my voice cracking as tears brim the corners of my eyes. "I'm going to a friends house." I whisper, starting to walk away. "Y/N if you walk out that door you'll be in trouble." Toshinori whispers, not bothering to turn around and face the door. I pause, looking at the closed wooden door in front of me. "What are you going to do? Ground me?" I mumble, walking out and slamming the door behind me.


I wandered the streets. I was still in my school clothes and it was late. I didn't know where to go. Despite telling my Toshinori that I was going to a friends I didn't really know anyone here yet. I didn't have any friends to go to. I sat on a curb a few blocks away from my house and pulled out my phone. My eyes scanned the screen. I opened up my messaging app and the first contact I saw was Bakugous. I hesitated, my finger hovering over his name, which I had earlier saved under "KatSucky ❤️" to his dismay. I pressed on his name, thinking of what to text him before I began to type.

Y/N: Katsuki..I messed up.

KatSucky ❤️: What happened now, shitface?

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