{4} I Need You Too

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Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 16

Gender: F

Class: Hero Course, 1-A

Family History: Father- Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Mother-Unknown, Siblings-None

Quirk: Telekinesis ...Y/n is capable of moving absurdly large objects with her mind by moving her hands in the direction where she wants it to go. However if this quirk is used too long or on an object too large she gets an intense migraine and faints.


       Todoroki led me to his home, which was surprisingly enough a traditional Japanese household. I slid off my shoes at the door as we entered and I noticed how eerily quiet it was. "Huh...I would have guessed Fuyumi would be here by now." Todoroki mutters. "Fuyumi...his sister or mother I suppose.." "Well Y/N...Let me show you where you'll be staying." He says softly. He leads me along into a nice guest bedroom. It was large and cozy and would be my safe haven for the next few days.

     I set my bag on the bed and look around. "I'll get settled in and come find you in a bit! Thank you Todoroki!" I smile. "Shoto..." He says quietly, as if he's unsure. "Shoto?" "You can call me Shoto." He says more confidently, his aloof expression not leaving his face. I nod, "Got it. Shoto." He nods too in response and walks out and closes the door behind him, leaving to his room.

    I looked around the room once more, inspecting the closet and bathroom before coming face to face with a dresser. My curiosity bubbles and I open a few drawers to find nothing. However, when I reached for the last drawer I found something pleasing. Inside was an assortment of photo books and loose photographs. I sit on the floor, intrigued, and start to go through them. I laugh a little as I see pictures of Shoto and a girl with white hair and red highlights sticking out, both seemingly around the ages of five. "That must be Fuyumi.." I mutter aloud. I flip through some more, giggling at photos of Shoto as a baby in a tub or him outside with Fuyumi playing with her.

        As I reach the final page of the photo book my hands brush against the dust covered page. My eyes widen as I see a photo of Shoto, the house I lived in as a child in the background, with me. We were sitting on the ground looking up at the sky, while he pointed at the stars. My whole body shook, and I carefully, but shakily, slid the photograph out of the plastic cover. My eyes scanned over it once more before I folded it and shoved it to the bottom of my bag. I closed the photo books and tucked them away back in the drawer then shut it.


         I ate a silent dinner with Shoto, exchanging as few words as I could with him. His face was riddled with concern and partial sadness as he had began to believe he'd done something wrong. After I had eaten I quickly stood up and placed my dishes in the sink. I began to clean them, scrubbing away left over crumbs.

        As I finished I placed the plate on the drying rack and began to walk away, only to be grabbed by my wrist, spun around and pushed against the counter. My back arched against the marble counter top and I looked up at Shoto, who was staring down at me with a straight face, but I could tell he was worried by the look in his heterochromatic eyes. "What did I do..?" He whispers. I shake my head, slightly uncomfortable from the close contact.

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