Numero Uno, baby

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Hi everyone reading this, first and foremost, I'm sorry. I've literally listened to one NCT song so this is probably out of character, I'm just going off of what my friend said he was like, although it probably doesn't matter because of the nature of this fic. Anyway let's heckin' do this, mate.

Chpater noe

Mrak kised u  s l o w l y adn wispred in ur ear, "I luv u bby, ur soooo bootifull" sadly u woke up and it wass jsuf a drem. U screm and cri bc ur bootifull drem makr left u.

Ur name is (Y/N) (L/N) and u r late for work at the popyoular cofe shopp cllaed StarBucks., amd u hat it their. Ur mean old boss is such creep always hitting on u! OwO what loser. But u sigh and go anyway bc u r super poor and need money really badly bc u r also stupid and don't think to get a job at like Walmart or something smh. Oh well.

"Oo (Y/N) u sexy gurl oo" said ur boss slapping u on the bum as a greeting when u got to werk. Gross what a loser he's bald and uglie unlike ur drem boi, Kram from popyoulare groop NCT oo what a hottie even tho u have only seen like 2 pics of him and have only listened to one song of his although u don't even know even he was in it u we're just watching the smexy dancingg uwu u still htink he's hawt ooo.

U get to work and fall back into ur daily rhythm of r00d customers and bad comments from ur boss man until owo one very special costumer came inn. "Hewwo cna I get a muffin plz |INSERT MEME REFERENCE HERE|."

"Okey and what's the name for that order" u say still not looking up bc ur very depression.

"Arkm from NCT dream probably idk which one"

"Kdigkfk oh my sgimaGOD" u yell mkaing the whole cofe shop look at u and ramk." U r finaly meting ur drem boi!!!!!!!1! How culd have seen this coming OwO!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!

"Haha ya oo ur pretty here's my number you sexy little pepe"


Nark smiled and disappeared in a clowd of smoke with his final words to u being "call me bby"

And so u did. U called Carl and he answerd the phone and said "ooo u did call my lil Pepe wah"

"Hi oppar uwu I think I love u ur the boi of my drems" u internally screm bc u r talking to ur oppa, ur senpai, if u will. And u r probably a yandere. U will kill a man to get close to oppar.

"Oo my little airplane r u still there bby owo"

"Yes armk I am here"

"Come over bby"


So then oppa texted u his address it was 420 NCT lane owo so u got in ur crappy Porsche and drove all the way there bc u r poor and can't afford a good car owo

"Wow mrka oppa ur so rich u have an entire street named after ur groop, BTS."

"Oo (Y/N) I'm very rich and now that ur my wife ur rich too and u never have to go back to Starbucks again owo"

"Oo kis me krma-jagi !!!! Owo" so then akrm took u by the hand and led u to his bderoom owo and he put u on his bed and his penk burled deep inside of u until I couldn't tak it anymore and u came owo.

U lived happily ever after and had four children the end.

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