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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move: "Hello"
Magic: "Fire ball"

Jacob POV

School sucks it's 1917 and this sucks it's late at night right now and I'm walking home passing a park I deicide to walk through it my parents won't mind much but I hear explosions and bursts of light go off.
Jacob: "What are them damn crows doing now another stray devil."
I mutter a whole bunch of crap walking toward the explosions there I see the fallen but I also see white wings uh is the fallen are attacking an angel that's new because I thought I told them to screw off damn that angel oh kinda pretty she look pretty high up well why don't I drop in and say hi.
Jacob: "Well Well Well What do we have here?"

Angels POV

These fallen are relentless yes go for a walk on the earth it'll be fine dang it Micheal it wasn't there is too many Wait is that a human?
???: "Well Well Well What do we have here?"
Angel: "What are you doing?!?! Get out of here before you will die."
???: "Unlikely But excuse me miss attention fallen what ARE YA DOING IN MY CITY?!"
Fallen leader: "What do you mean your city you lowly human think you can fight us? Don't make me laugh."
The guy the raises his hand out to his side.
???: "Well can't say I didn't warn you.""Come forth decay lance."
An ominous purple smog releases from his hand forming a lance that then says decay.
???: "Well lets get this started it What two versus why like twelve then it is an even fight let's make it uneven.""Decay spear."
The purple smog forms a spear and he throws it at the fallen the spear goes through three of them they scream it then nothing happens.
Fallen 1: "Hahahahaha your more of a joke then I thought you were you couldn't even make some urg."
He gets interrupted by him starting to decay.
Fallen leader: "What is this what did you do?!"
???: "Isn't it obvious I'm Jacob Ains the purple dragon emperor."

Third person POV

Fallen that are still alive: "HHHHUUUUUUHHHHHH?!?!?"
Angel: "Oh crap this is the town no on is supposed to come too."
Jacob: "Well lets fight."
Fallen leader: "Come on if we beat him and take him in Azazel will reward us!"
Fallen: "Lets go."
The fallen charge at Jacob as him and the angel get back to back.
Jacob: "So how did a pretty face like you end up in this situation."
Angel: "Nows not the time for this."
The angel then strikes down two fallen using light spears while Jake takes out another two with a swipe of his lance another fallen charges with a light sword at Jacob but he sends a burst of decay at the fallen which after a few seconds causes him to decay completely Jacob then turns as he sees the fallen leader throw a light spear at the angels back before he could think he's right in front of the angel taking the hit.
Jacob: "Uh this hurts more then I thought it would urg."
Angel: "No you fallen have been free to do as you please for too long.""Light burst."
A massive light shines from the angel taking out almost the rest of the fallen except the leader who escapes.
Angel: "I can't just leave you to die."
Jacob: "No it's fine I took the hit because I wanted to you don't need too worry about me I'll be *coughs up blood* fine I think."
Angel: "Nope I'm helping you and that's final."
Jacob: "You know what fine but I'm going to pass out now do what you need to do."
He then passes out as the angel goes to heaven.
Angel: "Micheal help."
Micheal: "What do you need help *sees Jacob* no you can't keep him."
Angel: "No it's not that I went on a walk in the human world I was attacked by fallen angels and he helped then shielded me from a light spear."
Micheal: "Oh and you want to help him Gabriel?"
Gabriel: "Yes."
Micheal: "Well the only way to do that is too reincarnate him as an angel but you need his permission for that."
Gabriel: "Well he did say do what I need to do so your coming back as my Jack of hearts."
The card goes into Jacob and wings emerge from his back two pair to be exact.
Micheal: "Well he was powerful for a human I'll give him that."
Gabriel: "There is one more thing I want to mention about the fight his sacred gear it's the decay lance and he was able to use decay magic."
Micheal: "So she finally found a host huh I wonder what he's capable of?"
Gabriel: "Well we will have to see won't we."
Micheal: "Well lets get him to a room then."

Time skip a few days.

Jacob: "That was a good sleep well I'm alive huh neat wait am am I in HEAVEN?!?! Did I actually die?"
Gabriel: "No but you have been reincarnated as an angel."
Jacob: "Oh fun hey that means I could fly now right?"
Gabriel: "Yes you will have to learn how though."
Jacob: "Awesome Well lets get this started as I said when we met I'm Jacob Ains it's nice to meet you."
Gabriel: "And I'm Gabriel a seraph it's nice to meet you too."
They shook hands and walked out and went on a tour of heaven which lead to Jacob meeting Micheal and the other seraphs Jacob looked around heaven where he will be staying for some time.
Jacob: "This should be an interesting adventure."

The Angel of Decay (High School dxd fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now