Chapter 8

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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Thought: 'Hello'
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move: "Hello"
Magic: "Fire ball"

Third person POV

The ORC with Brandon and Chris were getting ready to head to the young Devils Gathering when Jacob and Ahsa show up when they are getting ready to get in the train.
Rias: "Jacob What are you doing here?"
Jacob: "The young Devils Gathering has been turned into the young supernatural gathering and while I'm not young Ahsa is but I'm going as a guard."
Xenovia: "It's nice to meet you again angel."
Akeno: "Oh we are going a week early though so is that okay with you?"
Ahsa: "That's the plan Jacob what's a look around first and do some training."
Issei: "What do you have to train for there's not much that would try and fight you?"
Jacob: "It's a uh thing."
Ahsa: "It's just something Jacob like to do."
The two angels laugh a little rubbing the backs of their heads everyone shrugs and everyone boards the train and heads to the underworld after sometime once the arrive they exit the train and in a valley they get attacked by a dragon.
Jacob: "Everyone take cover I'll take care of this."
Deacya mentally: "Remember don't use balance breaker."
Jacob: "I know I know.""Decay lance."
The lance forms and Jacob charges at the dragon but gets swatted aside a big cloud of dust forms and once it clears Jacob is shown with blood running down his face knocked out.
Akeno: "JACOB?!?!"
The rest of the ORC: "WHAT?!?!"
Ahsa: "NNNOOO?!?!"
Dragon: "So you all really on one person that's pathetic."
Brandon: "That's What you think.""Abyss dragon balance breaker."
He is surrounded in a blue light and emerges in his balance breaker he and Koneko charge at the dragon Koneko gets hit down Brandon dodges the hit and strikes his lance thing in the dragons arm but it bounces off the dragon and it hits him back sending Brandon into a wall knocking him out of his balance breaker.
Rias: "Well dang everyone attack!"
The rest of the ORC charges in to be destroyed by the dragon.
Dragon: "Well That was less then I expected."
Jacob: "Come on guys was that all you really could have done?"
Jacob: "Yeah this was a test for you guys."
Brandon: "And you didn't tell us!"
Jacob: "Of course I didn't it was next to be a pop quiz."
Ahsa: "You didn't even tell me."
She pouts crossing her arms.
Jacob: "Oh come on don't be like that."
She turns her head away from Jacob.
Jacob: "I'm sorry but Micheal told me I couldn't tell anyone."
Ahsa: "Sure he did."
She fully turns away from Jacob who's trying to reach out for her.
Tennin: "Sorry about that but everyone is fine I'm taking Issei though as I'm training him."
The dragon takes Issei kicking and screaming everyone then heads to the Gremory mansion except Jacob who heads to the area where the gathering will be taking place.
Rias: "Is he always like that?"
Ahsa: "Yes."
Akeno: "So He always throws himself fully to his work?"
Ahsa: "Yes."
Kiba: "I guess it's a good thing thought to be like that."
Ahsa: "From time to time."
Everyone looks as the door opens with lord and lady Gremory walk in.
Lord: "Hi it's nice to meet you all."
ORC: "Hello Mister Gremory."
Lady: "Is this everyone?"
Rias: "Well it's most of us my pawn is out training and the other of out little group is a bodyguard for the gathering and he wanted to check out the area before we had the gathering."
Lord: "Oh and who is this bodyguard of yours?"
Akeno: "Oh he's the Angel of Decay."
Lord: "WHAT?!?"
Lady: "Wow a legend."
They hear a knock at the door a servant opens the door and Jacob walks in.
Jacob: "That place was massive hey guys how's the mansion is that food where you guys about to eat?"
Brandon: "Of course you chose now to show up."
Brandon and Jacob fist pump and everyone sits down.
Lord: "So your the Angel of Decay it's a pleasure to meet you."
Lady: "Yes I never thought a legendary angel would eat with us!"
Jacob: "I'm no legend I'm just here to protect everyone."
Lord: "Well lets end this boring chat and start eating!"
Everyone: "YEAH!"
They all start eating after they finish they all wonder off doing something Jacob goes off to train summoning as many light spears as possible and throwing them everywhere hitting each other and walls in the valley that they arrived in Jacob starts to summon even more light spears until he can't anymore with the last of the spears he starts to swing around and practices a few of his different stances.
Jacob: "It's not good enough I'll die if I don't go harder Come on PUSH IT!"
Brandon: "HOLD UP!"
Jacob: "What did you hear anything?"
Brandon: "Yeah I heard the thing about you dying what's up with that?"
Jacob: "A sort of curse that I have to deal with."
Brandon: "I can use my water to heal you or something."
Jacob: "That would be great if there was something for you to heal but would you mind keeping this a secret from the others I wish for them not to worry."
Brandon: "I See is there anything I can do?"
Jacob: "No but thank you this is something I will do myself worry about your own training."
Brandon: "Okay I'll leave you too it."

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