Chapter 2

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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Thought: 'Hello'
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move: "Hello"
Magic: "Fire ball"

Third person POV

As Jacob and Ahsa where walking to school they see a student with their uniform talking with a nun Jacob could have sworn he's seen her before but couldn't put a finger in who she was she had blonde hair he knew there was something about a nun with blonde hair but couldn't think of it he then sees the two wall off.
Ahsa: "Is something wrong Jacob?"
Jacob: "No I'm good let's get to school."
She nods and they continue walking to school as Jacob thinks even more.
Jacob: 'That guy was a devil a most likely newly reincarnated one but what was that I sensed in him was it a dragon? I could see why a devil would want him but if I remember currently he is Issei Hyoudou one of the perverted trio great.'
They arrived in front of the school and Jacob drops Ahsa of at her class and then goes to his where he sees the Gremory approaches him.
Gremory: "Hello I'm Rias Gremory it's nice to meet you Jacob."
Jacob: "I would introduce myself but you know my name it's a pleasure to meet you miss Gremory."
Rias: "Oh please don't call me that call me Rias."
Jacob: "If That is what you want then so be it how as your morning been Rias?"
Rias: "It's been great mind if I ask you a question?"
Jacob: 'Please don't aak me if I'm an angel.'"Sure what do you want to know?"
Rias: "I was wondering if you were interested in joining my club the Occult Research Club?"
Jacob: "As fun as that sounds I'm not one for the occult I hope you could forgive me."
Rias seemed shocked that he refused so did the rest of the class.
Jacob: "I'm sorry did I say something wrong?"
Rias: "No it's nothing."
She walks away and starts to talk to Akeno Jacob thinks to himself that she couldn't have sensed he was an angel then it must be his sacred gear she could sense Jacob sighs as even though his sister could hide most of her power as an angel even with her stealth capability's she couldn't completely mask her sacred gear Jacob sighs as he sits in his seat as the jerk from yesterday walks up to his desk and slams his hands onto the desk.
Jerk: "Dude how could you refuse Rias like that she leads an almost full female club with some of the hottest babes in this school?"
Jacob: "As I said to her I'm not a fan of the occult there would be no point in me going."
Jerk: "Yes there would looking at there bodies dude how could you not?"
Jacob: "It's simple I'm no pervert and I prefer to not do that to a woman."
The jerk walks to his seat muttering that Jacob is a lost cause Jacob shakes his head as the teacher walks in starting class. After the day is over as Jacob is packing up his stuff he stands up and is about to start walking to get his sister but is stoped by Rias.
Jacob: "What can I do for you Rias?"
Rias: "Are you sure you don't want to come? You could come once and see how it is?"
Jacob: "My apologies but my sister frankly can't cook to save her life I need to watch after so I'm afraid I can't come."
Rias: "She could come to if she wants."
Jacob: "If I go with you once will you stop asking me about it?"
Rias: "Yes."
Jacob: "Alright If my sis agrees I'll go."
Rias: "I hope you don't mind if I had done this but I asked one of my club members to bring her to the ORC's room so she should be there."
Jacob: "What did you think I would agree even before this?"
Rias: "I had another plan just in case."
Jacob: "And I know what it is be careful Rias there is another story of mine of not just one person hurting my sis multiple were and I'll leave what happened to them up to your imagination."
Rias: "Okay then lets go."
Rias then lead Jacob to the ORC when they get there they walk in to see Koneko talking with Ahsa but as the door opens Ahsa saw Jacob she jumped up out of her seat ran over to Jacob and hugged him.
Ahsa: "Jacob Jacob Jacob guess what?"
Jacob: "What Ahsa?"
Ahsa: "This is the girl I was talking about her name is Koneko and see my best friend."
Jacob laughs a bit: "I'm happy to see you making friends."
Ahsa: "Don't be silly brother I have many friends like Micheal."
Jacob: "Yeah I guess too bad he's to far away for us to visit."
Ahsa tilts her head in confusion but Jacob tells her he will explain later Jacob then faves Rias as the rest of the ORC walks in.
Jacob: "So Rias Why did you call me here today?"
Rias: "Well why don't we start by introducing everyone.*Jacob nods and motions for her to do so* Well the blonde there is Kiba the black haired girl next to me is Akeno and the brown hair boy there is Issei."
Jacob bows a bit: "It's nice to meet you all."
Akeno: "Oh he has manners all right."
Kiba: "It's nice to meet you as well."
Koneko: "It's great he isn't a perv."
Issei: "Yeah it's great to huh meet you to but who's the girl next to you she has a nice body."
Jacob: "This girl is my sister Ahsa Ains and don't look at my sister that way Issei it might not have eyes to look with anymore."
Rias: "Jacob please don't threaten my club members and Issei be nice."
Issei hangs his head and sighs but gives a thumbs up while Jacob just says sorry and then he admits to being a little overprotective.
Ahsa: "But big brother I don't mind you being protective it makes me feel safe."
Jacob ruffles her hair then turns to Rias and motions for her to move on.
Rias: "Well I was wondering if you would like to join my club I'm sure it would be fun."
Jacob: "But as I've said I'm not one for the occult one to many horror movies when I was younger I'm afraid."
Rias: "Well What about your sister would she like to join."
Ahsa: "I think I would have to ask my mom first."
Rias: "Okay then I will look forward for your answer tomorrow."
Jacob and Ahsa leave the ORC with Jacob explaining that they were all devils.
Ahsa: "Does That mean they are bad?"
Jacob: "No they are not they don't seem bad but I sense a hidden agenda with Rias almost like she seems to want something so I don't know."
Jacob opens the door to see someone sitting in the dinning room he looks and sees that it is Gabriel.
Ahsa: "MOMMY!"
Ahsa ran up to Gabriel and hugged her.
Gabriel: "Oh hi Ahsa how was your day at school?"
Ahsa: "It was great want to hear about it?"
Gabriel: "In a little bit okay me and Jacob are going to make dinner and have a nice chat Okay?"
Ahsa: "Okay I'm going to go do my homework now."
Ahsa runs of as Jacob is screaming very loudly in his mind right now.
Jacob: "S-So What do you want t-to make for d-dinner?"
Gabriel: "Jacob why are you stuttering could you think of a reason?"
She stares at Jacob with a smile but Jacob wasn't fooled she was pissed at Jacob as to why.
Jacob: "I-I'm sorry for not saying bye to you w-when we left for the h-human world."
Gabriel: "Do you know how worried I was when I walked into your room with almost none of your stuff there I looked around like a manic looking for you after I busted into Micheals office he told me what happened."
She gets up and starts walking to Jacob who tried to take a step or two back when she started walking towards him but was stopped by a counter top. Gabriel stops right in front of Jacob who's shaking in fear as she moves her hands toward him as he closes his eyes not knowing what she is going to do but opens his eyes to see she is hugging him.
Gabriel: "Well are you going to hug back?*he does so* I wished you thought more about me sometimes you always worry me I don't ever know what your going to do or how much danger your in. Please just be a But more alert to people around you.*she sighs* You haven't changed at all since you became an angel you've always been a loner and the only one who seems to be able to get you out of your shell is Ahsa just stay out of trouble please at least as best as you can?"
Jacob: "Okay I'll try my king."
Jacob received a slap to the back of his head as they got out of the hug.
Gabriel: "How many times must I tell you to call me Gabriel none of this king nonsense?"
Jacob: "Sorry Gabriel."
Gabriel: "Good now that's better come on now let's make dinner."
They they made dinner and called Ahsa out so they could eat after they finished eating they sat on the couch and talked for a little bit but then Ahsa asked a question.
Ahsa: "Hey mom can I join a club in school?"
Gabriel: "Why wouldn't you be able to?"
Ahsa: "Well Jacob said that all the members of this club were devils."
Gabriel: "They don't know who you are though right?! Will they hurt her?"
Jacob: "I don't think they can sense we are angels they most likely can sense our sacred gears and they seem nice but the leader their king is a Gremory not only not but she's the heir if I remember right. But the one thing I couldn't get out of my head was that she seemed to have a hidden agenda but I don't know what it could be."
Gabriel: "Well It should be fine I know you can join the club and protect her right?"
Jacob: "If That is what needs to be done then yeah I'll do it."
Gabriel: "Good now I need you to go to this abandoned church and take care of the fallen that are there Okay?"
Jacob: "Okay I will and I think I should be back before bedtime."
Gabriel: "Just because you are strong doesn't mean you will be safe so please be careful."
Jacob: "Don't Worry I will can I use my amour just incase the devils are there?"
Gabriel: "That would be a good idea I've also learned that they may have picked up an innocent nun who has Twilight Healing so watch out for that."
Jacob nods as his armor forms onto him and he flys out through a trap hole in the roof that isn't easily seen.

(Here's the armor)As Jacob got to the church he lands in front of it seeing the doors open and the devils fighting Freed Sellzen who Jacob has run into a few times before but he somehow always manages to escape every time he sees the scar on his f...

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(Here's the armor)
As Jacob got to the church he lands in front of it seeing the doors open and the devils fighting Freed Sellzen who Jacob has run into a few times before but he somehow always manages to escape every time he sees the scar on his face that was a result of the decay lance hitting him Jacob thinks about the good times but then gets serious as he lets out his power and calls out.
Jacob: "Decay lance."

Koneko POV

This exorcist wasn't to bad but we are going to get him just as him and Kiba clashed blades I suddenly sensed something coming so did everyone else aberrantly the perv did too as we all looked at the entrance to the church we saw an angel with six wings.
Angel: "Decay lance."
He made an ominous purple cloud and a lance formed from it he pointed it at the exorcist as he seemed to tense up.
Angel: "Freed Sellzen never thought I would see you again."
Freed: "No not you again you always ruin everything angel of decay."
I tensed up in fear as the angel of decay is said to be able to surpass even Micheal and his magic is almost unstoppable.
Kiba: "The angel of decay here no way."
Angel: "Devils I care not that you are here as you to my knowledge have done anything but you are helping me with my current job so why don't we team up?"
Koneko: "That's Okay to me."
Kiba: "I'm willing for some more firepower."
Perv: "I'm surprised you would want to help devils aren't you guys like complete different from each other?"
Angel: "You do realize your a devil to right? Anyways dang it Freed is gone."
I looked and see that he was right he wasn't here anymore.
Angel: "Oh well my job was to take care of the fallen here then save the blonde nun."
Perv: "Stay away from Asia I'm going to save her."
Angel: "Hey of she gets saved it makes my job easier come on let's go."
He breaks the priests podium revealing a passage way down into the basement we all then walk down where we see many fallen and stray exorcists.
Angel: "Well let the carnage begin."

Third person POV

Jacob leaped into the small horde and cut two fallen and one stray exorcist In half then sent a decay spear through about four people two of each.
Issei: "That was kinda pathetic the big purple spear didn't do anything."
But then they started screaming in pain as they decayed into nothing.
Issei: "I'm going to save Asia now."
He runs up to Asia and caches her as she fell from her binds.
Raynare: "hahaha I've got it Twilight Healing now I'll be unstoppable nothing can hurt me now."
She places the rings on her hands as Issei runs put but she follows after him leaving Jacob Koneko and Kiba with the small force.
Jacob: "You two go I'll handle this."
Koneko: "But there's too many for you to handle by yourself."
Jacob: "Don't worry about it I'll be fine."
Kiba: "If you say so come on Koneko."
They both run out as Jacob stood in front of the small force as they laughed at him.
Jacob: "You know another group laughed at me the same way you are but that was soon turned into screams of pain like all of yours.""Decay aura."
The burst of decay shoots out hitting all the of them one fallen throws a light spear at Jacob but it just breaks upon impact to his armor then they all start screaming in pain as they decayed into ash.

Rias POV

I just finished disposing of the fallen angel when I hear many screams of pain from the basement.
Akeno: "Oh it sounds fun down there."
Koneko: "I guess now is as good as any time to tell you this but."
Kiba: "The angel of decay is down there."
Rias: "Oh that can't be good."
I then hear armor clanking it's way up the stairs I turn to the stairs as the angel gets up out of them and looks at us.
Angel: "Oh your still here

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