Chapter 13

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Normal speech: "Hello"
Action during speech: *standing up*
Yelling: "HELLO"
Thought: 'Hello'

Third person POV

Issei: "Then we had to fight Rias because of some stupid curse that Loki had placed on her she even used my balance breaker!"
Jacob: "Dang Loki is causing problem even behind bars?"
Felgrand: "You should have killed him."
Brandon: "Felgrand Loki is a god I don't think we could."
Ahsa: "Maybe if big bro used his full pow-."*Jacob's hand clamps her mouth shut.*
Jacob: "Ahsa they don't need to know that and Micheal doesn't want that kind of info going out."
Chris: "Hold up what do you mean full power you haven't been using your full strength all this time?!"
Jacob: "Welll."
Rias: "I'm curious too."
Akeno: "I didn't think this would happen."
Jacob: "Anyway don't the second years have a trip to Kyoto that sounds like a nice trip."
Kiba: "Yes we do."
Koneko: "I don't trust the perv."
Brandon: "You never do."
Rias: "Actually about that trip Felgrand Jacob your going on it to."
Jacob/Felgrand: "HUH?!?!"
Rias: "Sona and I went by the teachers room and heard them talking about you two going as you transferred in without going on it the main reason was because two people originally going on the trip got sick or something and can't go."
Jacob: "Well I guess it would be nice to go to Kyoto for fun instead of business but what about Ahsa who's going to keep her safe?"
Rias: "Don't worry we'll take care of her we can have a sleep over does that sound nice Ahsa?"
Ahsa: "Oh uh I guess it would be nice to hangout."

Jacob sighs but accepts it the group went back to talking but after some time Rossweisse walked in holding some papers.

Rossweisse: "Felgrand Jacob perfect here are your papers of what you need and such for the trip."*hands them the papers in her hands*
Felgrand: "Do I really have to go I live in Kyoto?"
Jacob: "Well I don't think most of the staff here knows that."
Felgrand: "I guess that's true but it will be nice to go back home for a bit."

Time skip to getting on the train

The whole ORC was at the train station some boarding the train others saying bye to those who are going on the train.

Jacob: "Make sure you eat."
Ahsa: "I know."
Jacob: "Make sure you go to bed on time."
Ahsa: "I Know."
Jacob: "Make sure to-."
Ahsa: "I KNOW calm down big brother I'll be fine I've got Rias and Chris and all the others to look out for me."
Jacob: "That worries me more."
Ahsa: "Seriously Jacob I will be fine go and enjoy yourself and take some time for yourself and relax you need your rest okay*tilts head with a closed eyes smile*?"
Jacob sighs: "Okay I'll try to relax."

Ahsa takes a few steps back and waves at Jacob and he gets in the train with the rest of the crew as they already finished their goodbyes Issei was called back by Rias for a few seconds and got kissed by her. He got on the train and went into his inner world after opening a chest that contained his potential one of his friends in the perverted trio grabbed the others chest in an attempt to grab boobs but it didn't work really well as it was two dudes the one who got grabbed says that they will have a porno viewing night which Issei and the other dude were exited for it but the girls were to busy with something else for them to yell at the trio.

Fangirl 1: "Not only is the prince on this train but both of the kings are here too *Sequel*!" 
Fangirl 2: "What no way! I thought they were third years."
Fangirl 3: "They are but an exception was made for them apparently."
Fangirl 1: "I wonder what group they are in as it's with our classes."
Fandirl 2: "I wouldn't mind showing them around!"*Starts having fantasies*

After some time the train arrived in Kyoto and all of the students got off of the train and looked in awe at the city and started to wonder around the place after taking a stop at the hotel they are staying in. As the groups from the school where exploring Kyoto Jacob took Felgrand aside.

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