Disrespect her, Disrespect me.

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It's been a week since the party and Cody and have been M.I.A with each other lately..
It's kind of awkward to live with him after that, especially when we aren't dating, not even a thing. As this is going through my mind I get a text from Cody.


We need to talk


Because there's something going on with you

Yep, I know.

Come on Cas, don't be like this... come down stairs.

I sat and thought for a bit, he is my best friend I should be able to talk to him about anything, but this is awkward! I give in and go downstairs and sit on the couch beside Cody but not looking at him.

"Really?" Cody says "what?" I say "Casey, look at me.. look me in the eye" Cody says the hurt in his voice I turn towards Cody but look at my hands "what's wrong? Why have you been so distant?" Cody asks "why have I been so distant? Cody we hooked up and you're acting like it never happened. You should feel awkward too" I say "Why should I feel awkward?" Cody says "you hooked up with your best friend" I say.

"I enjoyed it" Cody says after a bit of silence and I look up shocked "and I'd like to do it again Cody says going into kiss me but I turn my head and resist as I back away "Look, Cody I told you I could be the girl to hookup with someone and forget about it. I thought I was that girl, but I'm not, I can't be...I lay in bed at night and wonder if we'll ever be anything more but then I come to a conclusion. We probably won't—" I say about to continue "then let's change your thoughts, I like showing you off as my best friend but if I got to show you off as my girlfriend, I'd have even more of a reason to beat up those scum bags that treat you like shit... so what do you say Casey.. will you give me a chance to make us something more than 'best friends' " Cody says "Casey Taylor Caliber, will you be my girlfriend?" Cody asks grabbing my hands "I guess I could give you a spin, but you know how I am" I say "always have, babe" Cody says...babe I didn't know I had feelings for Cody until that kiss on the porch. That second our lips touched and it wasn't forced I knew that I was in love with my best friend.

"So can I take you out tonight.. you look like you need it" Cody says "I guess you can.. wear are we going since it's already 5" I say "just wear something fancy" Cody smirks and I nod before going upstairs.

I didn't shower because I already did prior so I started trying to find something fancy but I couldn't decide and just as I was about to call Corinne she pranced into my room "OH MY GHOSH I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!" She yelled as she came into my room and I laugh "sit down I've got this.. because I know where Cody's taking you" Corinne says turning around and sticking her tongue out.

"I'm doing your hair and makeup then you get to see the dress" Corinne says "good thing your a makeup artist" is say and Corinne laughs. "Ok I'm done now close your eyes, I'm dressing you..and you are wearing matching bra and undies already, Good!" Corinne says "are your eyes closed?" Corinne asks "yes hurry please" I say "ok, now open" Corinne says and I look in the mirror and see this..

and you are wearing matching bra and undies already, Good!" Corinne says "are your eyes closed?" Corinne asks "yes hurry please" I say "ok, now open" Corinne says and I look in the mirror and see this

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